thirty three.

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"Sora here's someone left this for you again" a middle-looking rose bouquet is passed by to me from my mother's grasp after the short conversation exchange between the two of us. By now she had given up questioning me after the third time and I'm happy that she stop asking because truth be told I had no idea.

I took it slowly from my mother while giving her a little smile. The look that she's giving me makes me feel bad knowing that I had somehow made her worry.

I, myself wasn't sure who was the sender, to be honest as the bouquet was nameless and noteless and this is the fifth time I receive it this week. Each time it was a different color bouquet and smells.

I'm dumb and I have to be clear that I don't get the meaning of this sender's purpose but I'm sure I don't dislike that bouquet, it actually smells really good.

I stare at the pink bouquet in my hands and bring it with me to put it down on the table only to notice the note slipping out of it.

I pick it out curiously and what was written makes me shiver.

'I'm sorry'

It says and I don't understand but I'm not stupid.

'I'm sorry?' So he avoided me and never dare to show his face to me only to do this?

Is this how it was supposed to be? And why in the world did he have to do this unnecessary thing when he's still being all flirty with her.

I feel like crying and throwing up at the thought of that.

I left the bouquet on the table and grab my bag leaving the room.

The house is almost empty when I reach the kitchen area. I look around to see if anybody besides my mother is present in this room but as expected everyone has left.

"Come eat breakfast" my mother's soft voice distract me from thinking further and I took a seat beside her.

Once seated a plate full of freshly made toast is served and I thank her before taking a bite.

The room becomes silent as we eat our food.

"What time are you going to be home?" I break the silence, asking her the dreaded question even though I know what the answer is going to be.

"Hm I can't tell yet sora," she said, clearly feeling guilty, her hand patted my arm lovingly and I flash her a small smile.

"Or do you want to follow me?" I look at my mother in confusion

"After work, I can pick you up and we can go to the hospital together? I'm sure your sister will be happy if you are there"

I think for a while before nodding at her suggestion.

I wave my mother goodbye as she drops me off at school despite being late for her work. I waited until her car disappear from my vision and took a slow step toward the entrance gate.

I hate to say this but I just want today to end faster so I could spend some time with my sister and away from this school but I know that's not possible considering not even the first period started yet and here I am still walking.

I walk past the main hall as it's filled with the seniors and I make a cue to walk as fast as I could.

The annoying Daeun couldn't stop giving me this dirty look as if she had won some lottery and this stupid ex-boyfriend of mine seem to just enjoy it and let it be.

Obsession | 18+ | UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now