"Freya, you can barely float a feather right now, let alone save the world..." Hayley said. Freya, who is still panting and weak from the poison, shakes her head. "I'll channel Finn. And Daniel will help me." Freya said. Daniel nodded. Rebekah scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Oh, lovely! My fate rests in the hands of our black sheep of a brother that we have trapped in a necklace! I'm sure he's just leaping to help." Rebekah said. Freya sighs before turning to face Rebekah. "Well, he's the only other powerful witch here, excluding Daniel, and you and I are out of options, sister." Freya said. Freya weakly stands to her feet and walks upstairs as Rebekah and Hayley watch her worriedly.

"I'll go make sure that she doesn't pass out." Daniel said. Rebekah nodded and Daniel followed after Freya.


Freya, who is sitting on the floor in front of the upstairs living room, is clutching her talisman in her right hand and squeezing the enchanted stake in the other as she tries her best to cast a spell. Daniel is there so she can channel some of his power. "Niax en at tem alach ti. Niax en at tem alach ti." Freya chanted. As she chants the incantation, drips of blood start to drip from the inner and outer corners of her eyes like tears as she drains her already dwindling strength to cast the spell. Suddenly, a whooshing sound is heard as Finn's spirit appears in front of her, looking exasperated and unhappy. Daniel can't see his spirit. He only sees Freya.

"The pain you endure for these monsters you call family..." Finn said. Freya opens her eyes in shock and looks up at Finn. "Finn--" Freya said but Finn cut her off. "It isn't worth it, sister." Finn said. Freya shakes her head in disagreement and clutches her hands into fists even tighter. Daniel assumed that she was talking to Finn as he only saw Freya talking to herself. "It is. It has to be." Freya said. Finn frowns in concern at the danger Freya is putting herself in by helping their siblings. "Think of it this way, Finn. The sooner you help us, the sooner you disappear and you don't have to see us." Daniel said hoping Finn could hear him, which he could.


Freya is still desperately casting the spell using her talisman and the enchanted stake as blood pours from her eyes. Daniel was starting to get really worried for her. "Niax en at tem alach ti! Niax en at tem alach ti!" Freya chanted. Finn's spirit continues to watch her with concern as he argues with her. "You are dying for her. Let Rebekah go. Let them all go!" Finn said. Freya shakes her head vigorously, her eyes still squeezed shut in concentration. "Uh-uh." Freya said. "It will just be the two of us again!" Finn said. "I will save her. If I am at all important to you, brother, help me!" Freya said.

Just then, Elijah, who has come up to bring her a glass of water, rushes into the room at the sound of Freya seemingly arguing with herself, and when he sees the blood covering her face, he speeds over to her to look her over. "Freya, stop! Please!" Daniel said, finally having enough of seeing Freya like this. Freya keeps her eyes closed but turns her head away from him and Elijah. "No! Don't touch me! Do not stop me!" Freya said. "Listen to me-- we must help Rebekah, but we must not lose you in the process!" Elijah said frantically.

Elijah strips off his jacket and looks at Freya in concern, which seems to surprise Finn. Freya, overwhelmed by both Elijah and Finn's pleading, completely lashes out in frustration. "Help me, or get out!" Freya said. She closes her eyes again and returns to casting her spell between frantic gasps for breath. Daniel puts his hands over hers and starts to siphon from her, so the power is equal. "Niax... en at tem... alach ti! Niax en... at tem.... alach ti!" The two chanted. Elijah bites into his wrist and rushes toward her, placing the bloody wound in front of her face. "This will strengthen you." Elijah said.

Finn's spirit, unseen to Elijah, walks behind Freya and leans forward to whisper in her ear as Freya hesitates. "As will my power. Just this once, sister. For you." Finn whispered. Finn starts to whisper an incantation as he closes his eyes in concentration, and Freya, relieved, starts feeding on Elijah's blood to try to replenish her strength. Daniel keeps chanting as his eyes go solid white. "Aba..." Finn chanted quietly. Despite Finn's power boost, Freya is only becoming weaker as a result of the poison circulating through her body, and she throws up a startling and worrisome amount of blood onto the table. Elijah, Daniel and Finn look at her with concern before her weakening state causes the latter's spirit to disappear.

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