Chapter 7

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As the rain starts to pour,

I'm reminded of my past,

Constantly driving towards a path,

That could be mine or not.

Instead, life brought you to me,

And I don't know for sure,

If you're a blessing

or a curse.



Music played on the background as Chen Jing drove towards her family's home.

She had messaged everyone already that she's coming home and her brothers replied that they'd be running late.

She was felt thankful that she'd at least break the news to two people first, at least her parents wouldn't be much of a headache compared to her brothers - those two were the dramatic duo.

She decided on what to bring back home earlier, and thought of cake. She'd want something to eat while they talk about a messy topic later.

At this point, she saw a woman wearing white cardigan, brown skirt, and white shoes by the bridge's railing.

She could only see the back of the short-haired girl, but she had a feeling something might be going on in her mind that wasn't anything good.

In fact, the current circumstances reminded her of a story of a schoolmate she had in her previous life.

A schoolmate of hers jumped off a high bridge towards the raging waters beneath it, one rainy day.

Upon investigation, it turned out that the girl's boyfriend broke up with her after falling in love with another girl from another school. She heard that the other girl came from an aristocratic family, a match with her ex-boyfriend.

It also came into light later on that the girl didn't just end her life because of the break up, but also because of her parent's divorce.

Their family had been on a tight rope for a while now as it seemed like their family would be broken anytime for years.

Her father started cheating on her mother, while her mother worked her as off at a salon parlor to provide for their family.

Her boyfriend breaking up with her was her last straw.

Pulling the car over, Chen Jing went out of the car and approached the woman.

"Hey." She said as she tried to get the woman's attention as she approached.

The woman didn't reply, and she didn't even look at her. She looked empty and not present.

Why is she usually ignored in this world? Perhaps, is this character another extra?

However, looking around, she felt more pity for the woman. Many cars just drove pass them with no intention to stop and help. Some glanced over their direction, but still proceeded forward with no further care.

This is the world's cruelty. These days, people would just look, but no one would help. They wouldn't care for things that wouldn't affect them - because it got nothing to do with them.

They can't be totally blamed though.

Many have been taken advantage of for their kindness and generosity. Many have been told to mind their own business. Many have lost their loved ones because they care too much for the people around them. Many had tried to help but weren't appreciated. Many tried to help but couldn't do anything about it. Many tried to help, but were instead put into prison.

In these days, people have to be knowledgeable enough to survive and live to their 70s.

Seeing as the girl wasn't paying any attention to her, Chen Jing just sat down the pavement with her long legs outstretched.

Good thing she wore jeans for today.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she finally saw the woman look at her direction, although it was only for a moment.

"So what happened?" She asked tentatively and waited for a response.

She heard a sigh, followed by a soft tired voice.

"I can't do what made me feel alive anymore."

Chen Jing stayed silent so the woman could continue talking.

Although it took some time, the woman finally continued talking.

"I just feel a little down. I thought I could get back up again. I thought was just another challenge that came my way. In fact, I thought I was finally leaving the life that I've dreamed of. But then, it was suddenly taken away from me. And now, I don't think I could go back."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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