Chapter 5

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Chen Jing finally arrived home and slumped on the living room's sofa.

She had gotten that guy's WeChat after promising to take him to a meal some time to express her gratitude. The guy was inconvenienced by her.

While chatting earlier, she found out that the guy actually looked younger than his age. They were almost at the same age, twenty-five.

Apparently, he was a resident DJ at the club. That was all the information she got from him from the short while they interacted.

She plans to take him to a seafood restaurant by Saturday.

After some time, she reluctantly stood up and went to the bathroom to wash herself. Afterwards, she went back to sleep.

Morning came and she felt a little thirsty.

Heading towards the kitchen, she grabbed a glass from the counter, filled it with water, and gulped it down.

Today, she plans to talk about her divorce to her family. She just don't know how to break it to them.

The original host's parents and older siblings aren't exactly against her marriage with that guy, but they certainly weren't that supportive.

For one reason, that guy 'took' their darling from them.

Apparently, no one in the family figured out her ex-husband's feelings towards her mother. He was pretty good on hiding it.

Otherwise, it would have been a fun scene to watch an extra head to head with a male lead.

Second, that guy never really impressed them. The family of the male lead and female lead is certainly not the strongest and most influential household in the country, but it certainly was among the top.

At best, her ex-husband's company was just at its infancy. Although both knew it was better not to look down on anyone as no one know what the future holds, they didn't see any potential on the guy's business and he was so stiff with how he handles some business matters.

Although it's a good quality to be unbending, sometimes it would do one better to be flexible when handling matters.

No tall tree has ever survived a storm without having the ability to bend. Of course, aside from having strong roots and good foundation.

Third, they never saw his sincerity to their daughter. The only reason that they agreed was because of the insistence of their daughter. Anyway, they thought, no matter what happens, they got their daughter's back.

The guy never accompanied their daughter to family gatherings, never brought her as his companion on social events, and often appears late during their daughter's birthday and important events.

This is due to the fact that Chen Jing and Xiu Ming agreed to tie the knot, they weren't able to agree to a plan to at least keep some pretense on the surface. Although that would've been unneeded if the guy cared or at least used a little bit of his brain.

Her parents have long been unsatisfied with this son-in-law of theirs but were helpless when it comes to their daughter.

Mrs. Cheng had in fact once talked to the original host about it but was merely ignored.

Just thinking about it, Chen Jing is already having a headache.

However, this was a step she has to take. She can't have anyone assuming she's still in any relationship with that man. Besides, her parents have to know.

Who knows, there might be a good show to watch.

The original host's brothers are very protective when it comes to their sister. Even when the both of them already have their own lovers.

There was one time in the early years of her junior high school, when a classmate of the original owner bullied her for having such ugly bangs.

At that time, Chen Jing was experiencing a common teenage problem, having pimples. She was so insecure about it in her younger years and decided to have bangs to cover it up.

The bully did not do anything physical, but his verbal attacks had hit the young Chen Jing's fragile heart.

She cried hard for some time, hiding in the girls' bathroom and occupied a cubicle as if locking the door would shield her away from those hurtful words.

When her brothers, who were seniors at that time, caught wind of the bullying incident involving their beloved sister, one headed towards the direction of her classroom building while the other contacted some friends to teach someone a lesson.

They didn't do anything physical as that would have created a bigger fuss and would've reached their parents' ears - but they did scare off Chen Jing's bully enough for him to avoid her like a plague the following days and eventually transferring to another school.

It was a moment that the whole student body knew about and from then on everyone knew better than to cross the Chen brother's bottom line, their sister.

She's not quite sure if those brothers of hers would not do anything physical this time though.

Xiu Ming was certainly not to blame for all these things starting, but he has disregarded the original host in their wedlock enough to deserve a punch in the gut or two. 

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