14 || Last Order

118 6 1

[ - wonwoo jeon - ]

She had been staying here for 3 months and a half and so far nothing bad had happened. Maybe it was just a false alarm. She seemed to be genuinely in love with Shua hyung.

But she should be the silencer right ? I can't be so sure of it but she fits the description so well. Someone who looks like a doll. A visual that could trick anyone. Someone with a gentle and soft voice. Approximately around 165 cm...

The coincidences are too big...

But then again, I can't just do anything hastily. Even with her background check, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. She's just like an average wealthy girl. Something like a princess to be exact.

But something about her gives off a different vibe. She seemed... Too nice.

I need to investigate even more. I can't let anything bad happen to Shua hyung.

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