08 || Last Order

165 8 2

[ - sophia kim - ]

Ever since that day, he began to ask me out on a coffee date more often and things are going on as planned so far. It goes on for about a month or so ? But honestly, I am just curious on why he kept on asking me out. Not that I mind since it's making my work easier, but I'm just curious

So yeah, I decided to ask him. We are currently on a date now so it's not that much of an inconvenience to ask about it right ?

"Joshua, it may sound a bit rude, but why do you keep on asking me out ?" I asked

"Well that wasn't a rude question at all don't worry" he laughed softly

"I wonder why. Maybe because when you're around, I can actually be myself. Going on with a date with you makes me happy and at ease. I don't know but, something about you just attracts me in a lot of ways. You're one of the safest place I could go to" he chuckled as he stared lovingly into his cup of coffee

My heart skipped a beat.

Him lovingly talking about me, IN FRONT OF ME. I-- I really am speechless

But my heart couldn't stop racing-- help--

"Not gonna lie, you've been on my mind lately and if we don't go on a date once a week, I'd probably lose my mind" he added as he laughed softly

His straightforwardness is making me flustered

He kept on praising and praising me even more. Making my heart pounding faster and faster by every beat

Shit. Remember that you're on a mission moron.

But... Him being very straightforward makes my heart flutter everytime

This will make it hard for me to proceed any further isn't it...?

Last Order • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now