"Is this alright? My boobs are kinda big so my fitted stuff is stretched out, but, I don't know, you could make it cute."

"You have skirts?" I ask, never having seen her in feminine clothing.

"What?" Billie says with a smile, "I have layers."

"Like a parfait," I say absentmindedly.

She giggles, "Sure."

I take the clothes and ask where there might be a spare toothbrush. Billie leads me to the bathroom before picking out a pink one for me and leaving me to change.

I smile as I brush my teeth and put on the outfit, tucking in the shirt on the side, and leaving the rest to drape over the skirt. It's cute.

I step out of the bathroom, and approach Billie, who's carrying a pair of tall boots and a helmet.

"Ready?" She asks, "You should wear these shoes, they'll protect your little toes from the horses."

She has a pair of short, black boots that resemble the ones in her hand, but ankle-height. They're on the floor by her feet and I put them on, stomping around a bit.

"Do they fit?" She asks.

"Yeah, they're a little big, but I can walk around."

"Perfect," she says, "We should get going then. It's about a 30 minute drive."

"Okay!" I say cheerfully, rushing out the door in front of her.

She laughs and follows behind me, shutting the door and locking it. I stand by Dragon, waiting for her to unlock it, but Billie giggles, "We're not taking my baby, it's too dusty and bumpy there."

"Oh," I say, embarrassed, "That makes sense."

I slyly shut my legs as I look at Billie, wondering why my body wants to have sex with her right now.

The minivan beside Dragon beeps as Billie unlocks it and I walk over to the passenger side.

As we drive, I consider our date and wanting to ask Billie more about the throbbing. I shut my legs and hesitantly look over to her. She's wearing a ball cap and sunglasses, as it's quite bright out, and she absentmindedly chews on a piece of gum.

She glances at me, "Want some?"

I snap out of my trance and look down to her hand, holding the green package. She goes to hand it to me and I gasp, shutting my legs and moving away.

The car comes to a stop at a red light, and Billie furrows her brow, looking over at me, "What's wrong?"

I don't say a word, her appearance causing me to panic inside for some reason. She continues to chew the gum while staring at me, waiting for an answer.

The car behind us beeps twice, and Billie looks forward, seeing the light is green and pulling forward.

"Dez, what's up?" She reaches her hand over to rub my knee, but keeps her eyes on the road, "You're looking at me like I'm gonna hurt you or something."

I stare at her hand on my thigh, and attempt to gather myself. I take a deep breath, feeling the tightness in my chest subside, and I gain the courage to hold her hand.

Questioning//BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now