We All Knew This Day Was Coming

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3rd Person POV

Jed, Sadie, and the other wolves are in the hallway. They're all sweaty and re-hydrating before heading back out on another run to search another area. "All right, next part of the grid." Jed tells the wolves. "Let's go." He sees Hope. "Don't worry. We'll find them."

Sadie looks at Hope before looking at Jed. "Hey, Jed, can I take this grid off?" Sadie asks, nodding in Hope's direction

"Yeah." Jed says. "Move out, wolves." He orders and the pack leaves

Sadie rushes over to Hope, catching up with her in the hallway while Hope walks towards Dr Saltzman's office. "Hey." Sadie greets, out of breath

Hope looks to Sadie next to her. "You're all sweaty." She notes

"Well, we've been doing a lot of running and searching." Sadie tells her

"Thank you for that." Hope tells Sadie

"Not a problem at all." Sadie tells Hope. "I'm hoping all this running will tire me out and I'll be able to pass out easily tonight." She says as the two turn the corner

"Still having nightmares?" Hope asks

"When am I not?" Sadie says sarcastically. The two girls push open the door to Dr Saltzman's office where he holds up a signal for them to stay quiet

"Sorry, Dr. Saltzman, but I just checked with the dispatcher." A voice says from over the phone. "No sign of your missing students."

"Okay. Thanks. I'll, uh, try again later." Dr Saltzman says before turning the phone off and looking at Kaleb

"Yeah, all I could hear in the background was someone calling to complain about their neighbor's dog." Kaleb says

"Any luck with the locator spells?" Dr Saltzman asks Hope

"Malidon must be cloaking himself." Hope says

"So, what do we do next?" Kaleb asks

"For now, nothing." Dr Saltzman says. "If the wolves pick up a scent, then we'll have options, but until then, we wait."

"You can't be serious." Hope tells him

"This is a hostage situation, Hope." Dr Saltzman tells her. "Malivore has Landon, Cleo, Ethan. If we do something reckless, we could risk losing all three."

"Okay. Well, maybe we shouldn't have let him walk out of the gym where we had him locked up." Hope counters

"There was no time to get help, so I had to make a judgment call." Dr Saltzman defends

"Kind of like the judgment call that you two made not to tell me about Landon?" Hope retorts

Mr Williams clears his throat. "Think I'll...head back to the school." He says. "Wish me luck." He says, making his way out. "Oh, and... Hope's right." He says, turning around. "You should've told her." And with that, he leaves

"Well, at least one person thinks I can handle difficult news." Hope says

"That is not why we kept it from you." Dr Saltzman says

"Then why?" Hope asks but neither answer. "Fine. Keep your secrets. Sadie and I will deal with Malidon ourselves." She says before chanting and a weapon flies into her hand from the closet

"You wanna risk your own life, fine." Dr Saltzman says. "But don't go taking another student into this."

"The student is right here." Sadie speaks up. "And I can speak for myself." She crosses her arms over her chest. "Hope and I will deal with Malidon."

Sadie Auburn // Book Three // - Legacies - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now