One Day You Will Understand

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3rd Person POV

"Hey maybe, and this is just a suggestion, but maybe you shouldn't be going through his things?" Sadie suggests as Hope looks through Landon's bag of...of weapons it appears

Then, Landon's hand grabs Hope's. She gasps and Sadie does too, both startled. "Sorry." Landon apologizes. "Instinct."

"I didn', I didn't hear you come in." Sadie says. "And I've got good ears."

"I got pretty good at being quiet." Landon tells Sadie

"And not half bad at haircuts." Hope says as Landon puts his weapons away. "You're pretty jumpy about people touching your weapons."

"I guess I spent more time in the prison world than I thought." Landon says

"Well, we will let you get dressed." Hope says, her and Sadie moving to leave the room. "Um, do you... maybe want to grab breakfast after?"

"Was there something you wanted to ask me?" Landon asks her

"It can wait." Hope tells him. "Meet you in dining hall?" He gives her a small nod


"Hope, this doesn't seem like a conversation I need to be there for." Sadie says as the two girls walk through the woods and towards the dock

"Please come with me." Hope says, stopping and Sadie stops as well. Hope grabs Sadie's hand. "I don' don't wanna do this alone. He seems like he's changed a lot and it''s scary." She says in a small whisper

Sadie realizes the gravity of the situation and gives Hope's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Then I'm here. For as long as you need." She tells her best friend

"Thank you." Hope whispers. "Hey, how are you doing? How is your wound?" She asks

"Still on the mend." Sadie says with a small smile. "I'm feeling better. It only hurts when I...well, when I move."

"Are you serious?" Hope asks, concerned

"No." Sadie says, even though she was a little serious. "Well, maybe a little."

Hope's eyes widen. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She questions

"Well, I mean I thought it would be obvious." Sadie says. "I did get stabbed through the stomach." She says. "And your blood did heal me but's sore. I promise, I'm fine, just sore."

"Okay..." Hope trails off, her eyes flicking to Sadie's stomach and then to Sadie's eyes again. "You tell me if you need a break, okay?"

"Will do." Sadie says

The girls walk to the dock where Landon is staring at the water. "I thought I'd find you here." Hope says, walking over to him as Sadie trails behind, staying a few feet away from the two. Even though she was a little away, she could see Landon keeping note of where she stood. "You missed breakfast, so I brought you this." She says, handing him wrapped up food

"I haven't really been around people in a while." Landon admits. "It's a lot right now."

"I have a confession to make." Hope tells him. "I used a locator spell to find you. I just needed to make sure..."

"I'm really me?" Landon finishes for her. "Smart."

"I mean, I know that, you know, this should be enough proof, but..." Hope says, tugging on her necklace. "...I mean, I keep telling myself, like, it's actually you... but, you know, I just... after everything that's happened, I just want to make sure."

"Like 'dig through all my stuff when I'm not there' sure?" Landon asks her

"I was about to confess that, too." Hope says. "We've both been through so much, and... I'm trying to be patient, but, I mean, I have a lot of questions. And I don't want to overwhelm you, but... Help a girl out. I mean, I'm at a loss here."

Sadie Auburn // Book Three // - Legacies - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now