I Was Made To Love You

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3rd Person POV

"Hope, it is midnight." Sadie groans, rubbing her eyes. "And I finally fell asleep." She tells her friend, pulling her hands from her eyes

"I know." Hope says. "And I'm sorry...but something is going on..."

"What's wrong?" Sadie asks, now wide awake upon hearing the tone in her friend's voice

"It's Landon." Hope says. Sadie gets up from her bed and the two make their way to the gym: the room with the most sound coming out of it

"Come on, Lan, imagine you're having a baby and push." Jed's voice says

Sadie and Hope share a look

"A baby?" Landon's voice asks, verbalizing Sadie's confused look

"At least that's what I do." Jed's voice says as the two girls round the corner and see Landon doing bench presses with Jed spotting him. "Come on, push. Push! Push!"

And then the two boys start cheering. Landon gets up, him and Jed high fiving

"You know, this isn't what I was expecting." Hope says and the two boys look over at the two girls

"Right, I totally thought his arms were gonna snap." Jed says

"Yeah, do you even lift, bro?" Hope asks and Sadie's eyes widen as she tries to hold in her laugh

"I mean, it's a new hobby." Landon says. "I haven't really been sleeping well since I got back from Malivore, so..."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Hope asks

"Because I found a perfectly healthy coping mechanism here with Jed, and... and, uh, didn't want you to worry." Landon says. "Kind of like you're doing now."

"No, I mean, I'm actually relieved." Hope says. "You know, I thought... Doesn't matter what I thought. You know what? Get as yoked as you want."

"Nice. Hey, but cardio matters, too." Jed tells Landon. "You want to go for a midnight run?" He asks Landon

"Yeah, I do." Landon tells Jed

Jed looks to Sadie. "You up for it?" He asks her

Sadie looks at Hope and then back at Jed. "Uh, not right now." Sadie tells him. "I'm not warmed up for it." She says.

"Alright." Jed says, him and Landon leaving the gym. Sadie watches them go and, even though she would have loved to go for a run right now, she knows that Hope needs her

"Since when does Landon run?" Sadie questions out loud, still looking to where he and Jed just ran through to leave. "If I had known that, I would have made him go on runs with me." She says, looking back at Hope who was examining the weights on the benchpress bar. "What is it?" Sadie asks

"Look how heavy this is." Hope says, turning her head


"Oh, perfect timing." Landon says, hopping up on the counter and beginning to devour a burrito that Hope had made him. Sadie sits on the counter next to Hope, eating chips. "I was starving, but you really didn't have to..."

"Oh, I did. I mean, you know, with all the calories that you've been burning." Hope says. "I mean, Sades does a lot of exercise and I know how much she needs to eat." She says. "Which, speaking of, do you have any idea how much weight you were lifting?"

"Nope." Landon says

"Like, 300 pounds, dude." Sadie tells him, popping another chip in her mouth

"Sweet." Landon says with a laugh

Sadie Auburn // Book Three // - Legacies - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now