This Is What It Takes

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3rd Person POV

Hope walks to the Salvatore School in tears in the middle of the night. A party is raging and the music blasts as she walks through the crowd of people. Lizzie is getting a drink when Hope bumps into her 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Lizzie questions, turning to face Hope. Lizzie looks Hope up and down with a scoff. "Better question. Who are you?"

"It's a long story." Hope says


"This is all very confusing." Dr Saltzman says, his words slightly slurred

"Because you're drunk." Hope tells him. "And I really need you to focus. This is a matter of life and death."

"First things first... I'm only buzzed." Dr Saltzman defends. "Secondly, you haven't told any of us why we should believe anything that you said, Miss... Hope, right?"

"Mikaelson, actually." Hope says. "Klaus's daughter."

"Vampires can't have babies." Lizzie says. "Anyone else thinking that she's a monster?"

"I know why you'd think that, because I know that Malivore monsters exist." Hope says. "I know that the reason why you're celebrating is because you just defeated them." She looks at Lizzie. "I also know that you're a witch. An annoyed witch probably wondering why MG's off with Alyssa Chang instead of you."

"Or psychic." Lizzie says, straightening up. "She's totally psychic." She whispers to Josie

"You're a vampire." Hope tells MG. She looks at Dr Saltzman. "I'm doubling down on drunk." She looks at Josie. "Also a witch."

"Actually, I gave up my magic." Josie says

"That's gonna make this more difficult." Hope mutters

"Make what more difficult?" Dr Saltzman asks

"Do you remember that spell that Josie did to get rid of the oni?" Hope asks. "Which I know about, clearly."

"Listen, we don't doubt what you know." Dr Saltzman says. "We just doubt how you know it."

"I promise. Landon means a lot to you, too." Hope says

"I believe you." Josie says. "And I can teach it to you if it's okay with my dad." She says, looking to her father who nods

"Great." Hope says. "Now, all we have to do is go down to the wolf dungeon."

"Why?" MG asks. "What's down in the wolf dungeon?"

"Another person you've forgotten." Hope says. "She's in the transition cellars."

"Hang on, it's a full moon tonight." Dr Saltzman says, standing up. "If she's in transition, there's no way I'm letting anyone go down there."

"She's not dangerous." Hope says with a scoff

"Well I can't know that for sure if I don't remember her." Dr Saltzman says. "Do the spell, get our memories back, then we'll talk about getting your friend out of the cellars. I'm sorry, I didn't grab her name the first time."

"That's cause I didn't give it." Hope says, crossing her arms over her chest

"Okay, alright." Josie says, walking over. "Maybe you should try being a little less hostile and then we can go do the spell?" She suggests to Hope in a whisper

"Fine." Hope says. "Her name is Nightshade. Sadie Nightshade."

Dr Saltzman freezes, turning his head slowly. "I don't know anyone by the name of Sadie." He starts. "But Sarah Nightshade was killed before she got to this school."

Sadie Auburn // Book Three // - Legacies - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now