chapter ten.

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Evergreen woke up again. Today was the day. It’s been a few days and Evergreen had a plan. She only had today to do this, no backing out. If she was caught that was the end, tomorrow was the trial and Evergreen did not want to get sent to the mainland. Well, at least not by the government's standards. She would rather get there on her own accord. Which was part of her plan.

In the past few days Evergreen had learned that the guards changed in three hours intervals. They had changed right before she took a nap, which was an hour considering how, when she asked the guards, they said she had been asleep since they got here one hour ago. She should also be getting food soon, which means she could add to the collection of utensils she had. Evergreen had taken everything fork and spoon they gave her, turning them into different tools.

“hmmmm you sure can get a lot done in a few days if you’re motivated enough.” Evergreen thought out loud.

Evergreen heard the slot on the door open and the tray sliding in. She swiveled her head in that direction. “perfect. Just on time.” Evergreen said, walking over to the tray and pocketing the spoon and fork, as well as the cup in case she needed it.  She walked away from the door and sat down.

Evergreen took out one of her tools from her pocket and brought her chained leg to her. She put the tool in the locker and started to move it around, feeling for the right pins. Her tongue stuck out of her mouth a little as she concentrated.

“come on come on almost there.” Evergreen said, still working on the lock.

She heard a click and laughed in success. She smiled widely and took the chain off. She heard the door opening and made it look like she still had the chain on her ankle. Her heart pounding in her chest and her nerves exploding with nervousness.

The captain walked in. “the boss said you were up to something so I came to check. You seem harmless enough.” She snorted. “Not even a threat.” You could hear the smugness in her voice as she spoke.

Evergreen Smirked a dark look in her eyes. “Never judge a book by its cover.” She said darkly.

The captain stood there, confused. “What do you mea-“ she was cut off by Evergreen jumping at her stabbing her shoulder with a fork.

The captain yelled in pain. Evergreen used this as a distraction to run out of the cell, past the guards. She still has the fork with her, racing down the halls.

She heard the captain yell from behind her, but didn’t look back. “gey her!”

Evergreen was breathing heavily as she ran. She had made quite a fresh turns, luckily she had stamina. First she needed to find Suriah. Then Zetheer and Felix, finally Noah. It’d be a lot easier to break out of here with to dragons with powers. Evergreen was looking through all the windows into the cells as she ran, trying to find the right one. She saw a glimpse of green fur and stopped, back tracking to that cell. She looked through the window to see an emerald green kitsune laying on the ground.

Evergreen sighed in relief. “Suriah? Suriah is that you?” Evergreen asked, making sure the guards weren’t on her tail already.

Surian looked over at Evergreen and ran to the door. “oh my gods you’re alive! When, she I mean of course I’m alive do you know any other green kitsunes?” she asked.

Evergreen started to pick the lock on the door. “awwww you missed me!” she said with a smirk on her face.

Suriah's ear twitched. “Evergreen! This is no time for playing around! They’re coming!” she scolded, panic in her eyes.

Evergreen tried to go faster, her poorly made tools fumbling with the lock. “OK OK I’m going come on!” Evergreen finally got the door open and Suriah ran out.

Suriah smiled. “Ok now we’re out let’s go!” She yelled, following Evergreen down the halls.

As they ran down the halls Suriah turned to look at Evergreen. “ok, so what’s the plan?!” she asked.

Evergreen still had the bloody fork with her as a weapon. “Well the first two steps are accomplished. Next is getting Zetheer and Felix. Then we get Noah and take a pod down to the mainland. They can’t get us there.” Evergreen explained as they turned a corner.

Suriah nodded. “Got it, I have a few questions but they can wait until we get into the shuttle.” She said, her paws pounding on the ground as they ran.

Evergreen sighed. “fair enough now come on I see four guards around a cage.” She said.

Evergreen and Suriah looked around yet another corner to see four armed guards defending a metal cage attached to one of the walls. Evergreen could make out two shapes in the cage. That’s definitely them. She thought.

Evergreen looked at her fork. Then Suriah. “do you have any cool fighty powers?” she asked.

Suriah sighed and looked at her paws. “no, all I learned is how to sleep my eyes and markings glow, as well as float.” She said.

Evergreen pondered that information. “ok, that could work, come here I’ll tell you the plan.” She said, leaning down to Suriah's height and whispered the plan to her.

Suriah nodded as Evergreen stood up. Durian started floating and glowing, following Evergreen as she walked towards the cage. The guards turned to her and raised their guns as she walked slowly and steadily towards them.

One male guard spoke up. “halt! You are not supposed to be here. Back off.” He ordered, but Evergreen didn't seem to listen. “I said Halt!” He yelled.

Evergreen smiled softly. “no, I don’t think I will.” She said, then points and Suriah. “you see her? That’s my pet kitsune and she’s extremely powerful. She could take you all out with one blow. And she will!.......unless you give us the dragons.” Evergreen demands, her voice smooth and silly, yet there was an underlying threatening sound in her words.

The first guard spoke again. “im sorry but we can’t do that. We have orders to keep these dragons here until their masters’ fate is decided.” He said, his voice having a nervous sound to it.

Suriah glowed brighter. “well you see, now it comes down to two choices. You can one, listen to me and free the dragons. Or two follow a leader you’ve never met or seen and die here.” Evergreen said with a crazed smirk.

“OK OK, just don’t kill us please!” the second guard said, taking out some keys.

The first guard tried to stop her, but the second guard unlocked the cage and the two dragons jumped out, knocking out all four guards. Zetheer had a muzzle on her mouth and her wings were clipped. Evergreen took them off while Suriah lowered herself to the ground and stopped glowing.

“you’re alive Evergreen! I knew you were!” Zetheer cheered, running around Evergreen.

Felix stopped Zetheer. “It’s good to see that you’re alright young one.” Felix Lowered his head and nuzzled Evergreen's head.

Evergreen smiled. “I missed you too, but we have to find Noah. Come on!” Evergreen waved at the creatures to follow her as she started running again.

They followed her as they heard footsteps behind them. Evergreen kept checking behind them to make sure the guards weren’t gaining on them. Evergreen was also looking through the cell windows, looking for the last person in their crew.

“Evergreen?” someone called. She stopped running and ran over to the cell.

She looked in to see Noah. “Noah?! Are you OK?” she asked, her face twisted in concern.

He looked just as concerned. “I’m fine are you OK?” He asked, pressing his hand to the glass.

Zetheer looked at the hallway in fear as she heard rapid footsteps approaching. “Evergreen?.......Evergreen!” She said, backing away from the noise.

Noah looked at Zetheer. “Evergreen! You have to go!” he yelled at her.

Zetheer bit Evergreen's shirt, tugging at it lightly. “No no! I’m not leaving you!” Evergreen yelled.

Noah smiled at her sadly. “You have to. It’ll be OK.” He said.

Felix faced them. “I'll make sure he’ll be OK. Get out of here.” He said, turning back around as the footsteps got louder.

Evergreen put her hand where Noah's was on the glass. “I’ll come back I promise.” She said, her voice cracking.

Noah nodded. “yeah, I’ll be waiting. Now go! Get out of here!” His voice was stern as he talked to her.

Evergreen very reluctantly left, turning around and running towards the docking bay. Zetheer and Surah right behind her, their claws and paws scratching at the metal as they ran. If Evergreen remembered the maps correctly, they should be at the docking bay soon. Then they could steal a ship and get out of Skyfall. The mainland would be dangerous because of all the creatures down there, but Evergreen hoped her strange ability to talk to animals would help them out. They were made of science after all.

When they got to the docking bay, there were a few guards. They started shooting at them, Zetheer spit some small fireballs at them while Evergreen stabbed them with the fork. She tried her best to hit them in places that wouldn’t killed them, but the last person she faced, she accidentally stabbed them in the neck. They fell to the ground, the fork still stuck in them.

Evergreen didn’t have time to think about it as she went to the control panel, looking for one of the bigger ships so all of them could fit. “ found it. The xx hardgrove 2. That’ll be big enough to hold all of us!” she exclaimed, looking at the screens.

Evergreen typed on the keyboard and a door opened, leading into the ship. Evergreen started running towards it. “cone on! This is our way out!” she yelled at the other two.

The two creatures nodded and boarded the ship with Evergreen. She took the helm, strapping herself in and turning on the ship. She put her hands on the control stick. “ hold on tight!” she yelled as the blasted off, detaching from the hub.

The weapons systems on the hub activated, firing at the shop. One of the lawyers grazed the body of the ship, the occupants screamed. Evergreen did her best to avoid the lasers as she tried to put distance between between them and the hub. She had started to lower the ship towards the mainland.

Suriah cheered. “we’re in the homestretch now!” she yelled, hopping off her seat.

Evergreen smiled as she flew. “Don’t jinx it now Suriah, we want to get down safely.” She teased the small creature.

Surah started to roll her eyes as they heard and explosion and the ship rattled violated as an alarm went off. “They hit one of the thrusters! I’m loosing control!” Evergreen yelled as they started to fall faster.

They were all screaming, Evergreen doing her best to stay in control, hoping the other thrusters would save them. As they fell below the clouds, they saw the mainland. It was beautiful, and green. That was a little strange, but there was no time to think about that right now.

They hit the ground hard, the ship sliding along the ground leaving deep marks in the earth's surface. The things and creatures in the ship flew around, except Evergreen who had her seatbelt on. Once they stopped, the insides of the ship were a mess. Something sparked, making a loud noise.

Evergreen groaned and undid her seatbelt, turning around to look at the other two. They were all pretty beat up. “is everyone OK?” she asked, trying to catch her breath.

Suriah stood up and nodded. “i'm- ugh, I’m good.” She said.

Evergreen looked over at Zetheer, who sat up, groaning a bit. “yup, all good over here.” She said, looking exhausted.

Evergreen nodded and stood up. “good good.” She walked over to the exit and pried the door open.

She stood there looking around. They were in a place covered with trees and plants. Dragons, birds, and other creatures with wings were flying in the sky. Plants and animals covered the ground. Animals calling and making noise while others hid quietly in the shadows, just their silhouettes being seen.

Evergreen stood there and took it all in. Then it all came rushing at her and hit her like at truck. She couldn’t believe it, she was alive, and she was really here. She had made it to the mainland. 

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