Chapter two

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After a while of tossing and turning, Evergreen groaned and sat up. She looked around, she wasn’t able to sleep, afraid of what tomorrow will bring. Evergreen stood up, and left her room. She didn’t know exactly where she was going, but she just wanted some fresh air.

Evergreen walked around for a while, just going through old halls and rooms, remembering the time she spent there with her friends. She sighed, saddened by what was to come in a few hours. Once Evergreen came to the library, she suddenly felt better, surrounded by her favorite books.

Evergreen remembered a certain book that she loved, and began to look for it. She remembered that this book had so many stories about so many different creatures. There was on about a mighty kitsune warrior, another about a fearless baby dragon. One story told about the mystery of the crowen a dark, dangerous creature that hunted down humans and feasted on their flesh.

Evergreen’s favorite story though, was about a young kitsune, Crowen, and a Demonia. They were an odd bunch of creatures, though they worked well together.

The story told of the three creatures growing up together, laughing, playing, and going on lots of adventures that Evergreen could only dream of! Then one day an angry dragon attacked the three friends. “They fought long and hard over many moons.” The book had said. Sadly though, the dragon separated the friends, then disappeared into the sky, but not before leaving each of them with a reminder of who brought them apart.

The dragon, although gone, had left each of them with a scar. He left the kitsune with a scratch of three on her muzzle, dampening her glow. The Crowen had received a broken horn, the piece broken off taken by the dragon, it left the Crowen saddened and incomplete. Finally, the dragon came and took the Demonia’s tail, leaving her unbalanced. But the worst thing the dragon did was separate them, hoping for them to never find each other again.

While the story itself was sad, and the ending even sadder. Evergreen loved that story because it never said that they didn’t find each other again, it just said that the dragon hoped that they would never find each other again.

Just as Evergreen found the book, she heard a small noise coming from behind her. Evergreen grabbed the book and looked behind her. There was a small child, maybe six, Standing in the middle of the bookshelf behind them. She looked as though she was hiding from something, ‘or someone’, Evergreen thought.

Evergreen was about to speak as she heard some Red Rose soldiers enter the library. She stepped back so she was hidden in the shadows, then looked back at the little girl. The little girl was looking out, scared, seeming to hope the soldiers didn’t find her.

‘That’s what she’s hiding from’ Evergreen realized. Just then Evergreen saw the girl holding something, as she looked closer, she realized it was her bunny! Where had the girl gotten that? Had she dropped it somewhere? While she was racing Asher and Pearl? Evergreen had no time to figure it out as the soldiers started talking.

“Where is the girl?” The captain asked, her strong voice booming around the room.

“We don’t know ma’am it’s a big library.” a soft-spoken male soldier had responded.

“Well find her or the government will have our heads!” The captain yelled, making Evergreen jump a little.

“Y-yes m-ma'am” The same soldier from earlier replied.

Evergreen looked at the frightened little girl. She had to help her! Evergreen started waving to the little girl, trying to get her to come closer, as another soldier spoke.

“Why do we need to find this little girl anyways captain?” The soldier had asked.

“I don’t know, but the Government is sending her down to the mainland for some reason.” The captain replied.

“Dang, and I thought the government was gentle on the younger kids.” The soldier said, whistling.

Evergreen was waving the little girl over more franticly, trying desperately to save her. The little girl looked at her with wide, fearful eyes, too afraid to move. Evergreen reached out for her as far as she dared, but it was no use, the girl wouldn’t move.

“Come on!” The captain yelled.

“We have to catch her before morning or else it’ll interfere with the coronation of sixteen!” She yelled again.

The little girl finally started moving, slowly reaching out to Evergreen’s hand. She wasn’t fast enough. A soldier grabbed her and Evergreen flinched away. The little girl screamed, flailing as she was taken away. Evergreen’s eyes filled with tears as she heard the little girl crying as she was taken away.

Evergreen slid down the wall and curled up in a ball. She started crying as she felt she failed the little girl. ‘I should’ve grabbed her’ Evergreen thought, still crying into her knees.

Evergreen only looked up after the little girl’s cries faded into the distance. She brought her hands up and looked at the book. She had forgotten it in all the chaos that had happened. At least she wasn’t seen though. She would’ve gotten in a LOT of trouble for being out of her room so late in the night.

Evergreen slowly stood up, and walked out of the library, slow enough that she wouldn’t catch up to the soldiers, not that she knew where they went anyway, but better safe than sorry.

Evergreen stalked her way all the way back to her room, being careful to see if she heard any sounds. Not that there was anywhere to hide in the halls or rooms she passed through, but just so she could try to get away if she did.

Once she got back to her room, Evergreen let out a breath of relief and closed the doors. She walked over to the sleeping pod and sat down with the book in her lap. She sat there for a few moments silent, staring at the book. Then she grabbed her bag and put the book in. Evergreen closed the bag tightly.

The books in the hub were meant to stay in the hub. They weren’t supposed to leave, but Evergreen didn’t care, she was bringing this book with her and no one was stopping her.

Evergreen looked up at the bookshelf in her room, and realized that there were no books on it. ‘Odd’ She thought. Evergreen just shrugged it off and laid down, the glass of the sleeping pod sliding over her, closing her in.

Evergreen yawned and closed her eyes; falling into a restless sleep.

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