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Three kids were running around. One was looking around in a large open area filled with tables and chairs. On the sides of the room, huge metal beams supported the place.

“Found you!” the young boy told a girl with glasses that was hiding under the table.

“How’d you find me Ash?” the girl asked, climbing out of her hiding spot.

“I’ve already told you Pearl, I’m the champion of this game!” Ash yelled proudly while puffing out his chest.

Pearl giggled. “You still have to find Evergreen.” She told him.

Ash huffed, crossing his arms. He nodded and the five-year-olds went searching around for their friend. Evergreen chuckled silently. She somehow managed to climb up the support columns onto the support beams going across the room. She knew her friends wouldn't find her up here. She was the true champion of hide and seek.

“Ok, I give up.” Pearl said, bored.

“Yeah, me too.” Ash replied.

“EVERGREEN!” Pearl shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth to make her voice louder.

Evergreen chuckled and climbed down from her hiding spot. It took her a minute to figure out how to though. She was only five after all.

“Hey guys!” Evergreen cheered.

Ash and Pearl jumped, startled by her sudden appearance.

“Where were you?” Pearl asked.

Evergreen pointed up to the beam she was sitting on. “Up there!” She cheered.

“How’d you even get up there?!” Ash asked, surprised.

Evergreen shrugged.

Just then the kids heard noises coming from the hall. The kids looked at each other in fear, they knew that there were a few red rose soldiers heading their way. The kids learned to be silent unless they wanted trouble. Once the soldiers had entered the room, one of them saw the kids.

“All kids should be in their pods at this time. What are you doing out here?” The calm, yet stern female voice asked.

“We just wanted to play a game, before we had to go.” Ash said quietly.

“Well, now’s not the time for games. Round them up.” The female soldier told the others in her group.

The kids looked at each other sadly as a soldier pick each one of them up. Evergreen watched as they went through the hallways to the pod room. Everything seemed to be in slow motion though. Tonight, all kids and teenagers in the hub had to get in their pods sooner, for tomorrow gen. O51 was turning sixteen tomorrow and they would be sent to their divisions, so it would be a little chaotic. Evergreen was worried for the day she turned sixteen, she didn’t want to get separated from her friends. Evergreen hugged her brown and pink bunny close as she was layed down in her pod and drifted off into sleep.

GREEN FOXजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें