chapter seven

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The next day Evergreen and Noah were just taking care of the animals and playing with their companions. As well as messing with each other. They were currently on their lunch break, sitting on the grass eating and chatting while Suriah and Buzzer played together.

“so, what were your friends like before the ceremony of sixteen?” Noah asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

“uh well Pearl is really smart. She’s also very shy and kind. Pearl loved to tinker with old tech and made some pretty great things.” Evergreen said, watching Suriah and Buzzer play. Noah was looking at her, nodding along to what she was saying.

“Then there's Ash. He was fun a goofy, and when someone caused us trouble he would defend all of us and threaten to fight them.” Evergreen chuckled. “he always bit off more than he could chew.”

Noah chuckled. “They sound like a lot of fun.” He smiled at Evergreen.

“yeah, they were. Everyone started calling us the wild pack, and it just kinda stuck I guess. We took the name and made it our own.” Evergreen smiled sadly and played with her bracelet.

Noah noticed her dad expressing and stood up. “Come on, let’s go take care of the dragons.” Noah smiled at Evergreen.

Evergreen nodded. “yeah. Let’s go.” She said standing up.

“Race ya!” Noah cheered, taking off.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” Evergreen yelled, laughing, as she ran after him.

Evergreen caught up to Noah and tackled him to the ground right in front of the dragon habitat. He helped in surprise as he toppled over. After a minute of silence, the duo burst out laughing.

Noah groaned. “did you really have to do that?” He asked.

“Hmmmmmmm, yes, yes I did. You’re such a baby.” Evergreen teased, sitting up.

Noah shot up into a sitting position. “how DARE you?! I am NOT a baby! I am hurt. Ohhh” He said dramatically, as he fell down into a laying position again.

Evergreen suppressed a laugh and rolled her eyes. “come on, she should go take care of the dragons.” She said in a monotone voice.

Noah sat up again. “oh come on! That was funny!” he complained, standing up.

Evergreen ran inside, calling out your Noah. “no it wasn’t!”

Noah ran inside after her, grumbling under his breath. Zetheer and Felix picked up as they saw Noah and Evergreen enter the habitat building. Felix lowered his head as Noah reached up to pet him. Evergreen hugged Zetheer, and the dragon did her best to return the hug by wrapping her tail around Evergreen.

“Hello, hello, hello!” Zetheer cheered.

Evergreen chuckled. “hello to you too.” She said, booping Zetheer on the nose.

By now, Noah got used to the fact that Evergreen would talk to the dragons, but he didn’t know she could actually understand what they said. He smiled to himself; he loved the small things Evergreen did. He loved to see her happy, he was lucky to be her friend.

“Hello young one” Felix's soothing voice said, looking at Evergreen.

“Hey Felix.” Evergreen said.

“Who's Felix?” Noah asked, chuckling a little bit.

Evergreen went a little pink. “oh-I-uh, would you believe me if I told you something that sounds crazy?” she asked, looking at the ground slightly.

Noah's smile fell. “of course Evergreen. I trust you.” He said.

“Well uh recently I learned that I could talk to other animals. Not just the companions.” Evergreen said; she pointed at the olden dragon that Noah really liked. “that's Felix.” Evergreen pointed at the fire fury in front of her. “and that's Zetheer.

Noah looked shocked. “I’ve heard that this could happen to someone, but there hasn’t been a case in forty years! That’s really cool! The scientist try to stop it from happening for some reason.” Noah said, thinking.

Evergreen parked up. “so you believe me?!” she asked.

Noah chuckled. “of course! You’re like the only person in this division that I like. All the other seventeens are so stuck up. But I think that ability is really cool!” he said and smiled brightly at Evergreen.

Suriah walked up to them and sat in between their feet. “if I may. That is why I chose Evergreen to be my companion. She is a good person with a kind heart, a bright soul, and a truthful mouth.” She said proudly.

Evergreen chuckled. “why thank you Suriah. I like that you chose me too.” She said.

“are you ssssure? Ssssshe's quite the know it all.” Buzzer interrupted.

“Hey!” Suriah yowled, and walked over to buzzer and started chasing him.

Noah and Evergreen laughed at their companions' antics. They turned back to grooming and caring for the dragons. Noah had a conversation with Felix. With the help of Evergreen of course.

“this is so cool! Thanks for helping me talk to them Evergreen!” Noah said, smiling widely.

“Yeah of course! You’re like, the only person on this island I like anyway. Plus you’re really cute when you’re excited.” Evergreen explained and smirked.

Noah gasped dramatically. “I am not cute!” he yelled.

“hmmmmmm, yes you are.” Evergreen teased. Her smirk growing into a smile.

“I agree.” Zetheer said proudly.

Evergreen cracked up at that, trying to stiffle her laughs. “wait, what did she say?” Noah asked Evergreen apprehensively.

Evergreen just kept laughing. “Evergreen? Evergreen?!” Noah yelled.

Evergreen just stayed silent and started running around in the habitat building, Noah chasing her. Evergreen hid behind a large barrel, trying to catch her breath. She looked out slightly, but didn’t see Noah, she was confused for a minute.

“found you!” Noah yelled from above Evergreen.

Evergreen yelped and chuckled, standing up from her hiding spot. The two locked eyes for a minute, just staring at each other. Evergreen didn’t know how, but the longer she looked at Noah’s gray eyes. The more details seemed to pop up. Just then the Speaker buzzed to life, starting the teens.

“This is a reminder that the workday is almost over, citizens are to return home soon.” Then the speaker turned off.

“Guess we should go home.” Noah said sadly.

“guess we should.” Evergreen said.

The two said goodbye to their dragons then walked back to their homes. Noah waved at Evergreen as he entered his. Evergreen sighed and layed down, the day's events slowly having her drift off to sleep.

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