Chapter Four

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Evergreen docked her airship, a crew awaited her, and a few other teens’ arrivals. The crew was to take care of the airships, while each kid was assigned someone to take them to their new home. Evergreen got out of her airship, waved at the crew, and walked up to the welcome board.

On the welcome board, was a list of the teen’s names and their tour guide. Evergreen found her name and saw someone named “Noah” was going to give her the tour and escort her to her home.

Then a young man, probably only seventeen, stumbled up to Evergreen, pushing through the crowd. He had light brown hair, pale skin that had a yellow tint, and stormy gray eyes; a stark contrast to her emerald green ones.

“Hello! My name is Noah! I’ll be your guide!” Noah introduced himself, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile on his face.

Evergreen chuckled, she had to admit he was pretty adorable. “Hi, I’m Evergreen.” She introduced herself.

“Okay then, shall we start the tour?” Noah asked, smiling brightly.

Evergreen bit her lip, holding in a laugh, as she found it amusing how properly Noah seemed to talk. “Yes, we shall.” Evergreen replied.

“Follow me.” Noah said, starting to walk away.

Evergreen followed him, exited to see the division. First Noah showed her the stables, where the alicorns were kept, then he showed her the forest habitat where some spices of dragons and kitsune were kept. The reason that not all dragons or kitsunes were kept in the same place is because they are elemental creatures, and depending on what area of elements they reside in, that is where they live. For example, you wouldn’t put a frost dragon in the same place as a desert dragon, right? Of course not!

Noah then showed her where the Alexies lived. The creatures were very friendly and walked straight up to Evergreen. She smiled, picking one up. This one was scaley, with spiral horns and a spiked tail. It was a soft blue, fading to white with spikes along it’s back and tail as well as some small wings neatly folded on its back.

“Awwww it's so cute!” Evergreen squealed, stroking the Alexies.

Noah chuckled. “That they are, that’s a rare color combo you know. The scientists don’t like making creatures in those colors, but they can’t control everything.” He said, looking at all the Alexies.

Evergreen set down the Alexie she was holding. “I wonder why they don’t like those colors.” She said, pondering the question.

Noah shrugged. “Not sure.” He said.

“Come on, lets continue, I have one more place we’re going to visit.” Noah said, turning to look at Evergreen.

“Where are we going?” She asked, exited.

“It’s a surprise!” Noah replied in a sing-song voice.

Evergreen huffed as Noah turned to leave. “Coming?” He asked, looking back at Evergreen.

“Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.” Evergreen grumbled.

Noah chuckled at her annoyance, leading the way. There was a silence as they walked, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable one, no, not at all; it was quite the opposite actually. It was a calm, friendly silence, one that was welcomed.

They had been walking for a while now, it was almost night-fall. Evergreen looked at Noah as she asked. “Where are we going? Are we almost there?”

Noah chuckled at her worries, and smiled while answering her question. “Yes, we’re almost there quit your whining.”

Evergreen huffed and rolled her eyes. They soon approached a building with a sign that said ‘Home area group 6.’ Evergreen’s breath hitched.

“We aren’t allowed to go into other people’s home areas, it’s against the rules.” Evergreen said, worry lacing her voice.

“Hey, calm down, this is our home area.” Noah said, looking at Evergreen with his stormy eyes.

Evergreen didn’t know why, but his eyes were calming to her, reassuring. She found herself getting lost in his eyes as he spoke, not realizing he was saying something as a smirk spread across his face.

“-Hellooooooo? Evergreen? You ok?” Noah asked while waving his hand in front of her face, snapping her out of her thoughts.

“Huh? What? Oh yeah, I'm fine Noah sorry.” Evergreen said, smiling sheepishly.

Noah chuckled; the smirk still plastered on his face.

“Hey, you ready to see what I wanted to show you?” He asked.

“Oh yeah, wait! We live in the same home area?!” Evergreen asked, shocked.

“Hmm? Oh yeah, I said that earlier! Come on!” Noah exclaimed excitedly, running ahead of Evergreen.

Evergreen shook her head and started running after him, both of them laughing as they did. Once they got to a house on the last flight of the outside stairs, Evergreen noticed the nameplate, it said ‘Noah James.’ Noah unlocked the door and opened it so Evergreen could come inside, though she paused for a moment.

“I thought we weren’t allowed in other’s homes?” Evergreen asked, tilting her head in confusion.

“Well then, we’ll just have to be quiet.” Noah said, whispering, trying to make himself sound scary. It didn’t work.

Evergreen nodded and went inside, following Noah. He led her into his room, and into his closet. He opened a trap door and a ladder fell down. Noah started to climb it, looking at Evergreen as if to signal that she should climb up too. Evergreen did, following Noah. She didn’t understand why she trusted Noah so much, she just met him today. Something inside of Evergreen though, told her to trust him; so, she did.

Once Evergreen had fully climbed up the ladder, she looked out, over at the horizon where the sun was setting beneath the clouds, coloring them beautiful shades of pink and orange. Evergreen gasped at the sight; it was breathtaking.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Noah asked Evergreen, looking at the sunset as well.

“It’s absolutely stunning!” Evergreen replied.

Noah chuckled and sat down; Evergreen looked at him. Noah patted the spot next to him, inviting Evergreen to join him. Evergreen happily did so, turning her attention back to the sunset.

At some point though, Evergreen and Noah started chatting, she couldn’t exactly remember when though. They were laughing and talking. At one point they had a tickle fight, which surprisingly, Evergreen won. Once the sun had fully set though, Noah stood up.

“Come on, I should show you to your home.” He said, a little sleepily in fact.

Evergreen nodded and stood up, she was very tired, but also really didn’t want this evening to end, she had truly enjoyed herself. Noah led Evergreen down the ladder, out of him home, and to the door across from his own. Evergreen looked at the nameplate, it said ‘Evergreen Heartstring.’

“Well, here is your stop.” Noah said, handing Evergreen her key. For a moment she thought she heard a hint of sadness in his voice, but ignored it saying that she was just tired.

“Yeah, thanks.” Evergreen replied quietly, slowly taking the key.

“See you tomorrow, Evergreen.” Noah said, giving the girl in front of him a tired smile.

“Yeah, see ya...” Evergreen replied as Noah turned back to his own home.

Evergreen sighed and rubbed her face. She unlocked the door and went inside. She threw her bag onto the couch and made her way into her room, which was the door at the end of the living room, near the television. Evergreen laid down, not realizing that she was sleeping on a real bed and not in a pod for the first time. All Evergreen could think about was the amazing evening she had as she drifted off to sleep.

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