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When they got back to Lilith's cabin they were discussing how they were going to get the Mark of Cain from Faustus, that's when Esme said that she had been collecting books about the Mark of Cain for years. She has ones from her cosmos, but she also had books from other cosmos that dealt with it a lot more than she did. She told them that she would go back to her library and read as much as she could until she found something that could help them.

After Esme left Zelda sat on Lilith's couch, she just sat there and didn't talk, Lilith thought that she was almost sulking, "Zelda?" She moved to the couch so she could sit next to her, "Is there something you need to tell me?"

"Mhm" Zelda stopped looking straight ahead and turned towards Lilith, "Oh I'm so sorry, but I can't help but thinking that since you shared a valuable secret with me that I should share one with you"

"What secrets could you have, no offense but I've been watching your whole life since Edward died"

"And that's just it, the secret that ways down on me the most happened before he died, in fact he's one of the main reasons that the secret happened"

"Zelda if you don't want to tell me then you don't have to, I have snooped in your life and everyone else's too much in the last 15-ish years. You deserve to have some secrets."

"No, you don't understand" Zelda grew frustrated, so she lit a cigarette and started pacing.

"Your right, I don't understand, so why don't you sit down and help me understand"

"Because, if you know this then that means that it's not private, and if it's not private than that means that someone else could criticize me on how I let Edward handle the situation."

"Zelda, I trusted you with the biggest secret that I have, the least I can do is be understanding with whatever secret you wish to tell me"

Zelda calmed down and sat back down on the couch, "Your right, I'm sorry I got mad at you, but I do want to tell you this secret, eighteen years ago I had sex with a drunk mortal, well about three months after that I noticed that I was getting sick every morning. Well I took a pregnancy test, it came back positive, I didn't know what to do so I told Edward that I was pregnant with a mortals child, because of his beliefs he was happy but he knew that I would not be happy, so instead he said that I was to put a glamor on and have Hilda help me with the birth but after that I was to give her a memory potion so she didn't remember. After I gave birth Edward took the babe and gave it to another couple who was trying but couldn't conceive, he didn't even let me hold it."

"Oh Zelda, I had no clue that you had ever even conceived"

"Yeah, it's not something I like to talk about"

Lilith was still processing what Zelda had said when she realized that she didn't refer to the child by a gender, "Did you even know the gender of your child?"

"No, Edward had specifically instructed Hilda to not tell me"

"Oh" Lilith moved closer to Zelda, "Oh Honey, I am so sorry, he had no right"

Zelda was crying now, "No this is the part you don't understand, I let him do that, I thought that I  would never miss them, but when we started to raise Sabrina I realized that it would have been a pleasure to raise my child."

"Still, Edward should have known that there is a special bond between a mother and a child."

Zelda just curled up against Lilith's side while she cried her heart out for the child she never had, when she had calmed down Lilith thought it safe to talk, "After you realized that you wanted your child did you ever think of a name that you would have called them?"

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