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"Come on Auntie, can we pretty please go to the beach" Sabrina was using her puppy dog eyes to get Zelda to agree to going to the beach.

"Fine!! If you wish to go to the beach that badly we will go. But you need to remember your towel this time"

"Why are you always so hard on her? She's just a kid."

"Because Hilda, she needs to learn that she can't always get what she wants. Besides, have you not noticed?"

"Noticed what?"

"The random stuff flying around the house"

"Oh that, yeah I've noticed"

"That shouldn't be happening at her age"

"Well how do you know that, maybe it's normal."

"Hilda, I don't have time to argue. We need to hang into these ridiculous clothes"

"They're called swimsuits Selda"

"Yes, I am well aware of what they're called, I just think that they look stupid"

"The men at the beach don't think that you look stupid when you wear your bikini"

"Hilda, watch your mouth, I don't want to have to kill you, again"

"Not a chance sister, remember our Cain pit is under construction"

"Aunties!! Where are you?!!"

Zelda stepped out of her bathroom just in time to put on her bathing suit cover before Sabrina saw her "Auntie See, can you tie this, I can't seem to do it right" Sabrina was in a red and balck two piece, with the top covering her entire torso, and she had her hands up and behind her head holding the straps to er bathing suit.

"Of course, honey, HILDA HURRY UP!!" Zelda was fumbling with the straps, but finally with the help of silent spells she managed to get it tied. "There you go honey; would you mind going to the living room and your Aunt Hild and I will be along shortly?"

"Ok Auntie"

"Hilda!! What is taking so long?"

"UM, . . I think I just had a panic attack"

"What makes you say that?" Zelda's voice sounded very aggravated but in reality, she was a tad bit concerned.

"Well, shortly after you left, I got dizzy and then I blacked out. I woke up seconds before you opened the door"

"Why would you have any reason to have a panic attack?" Selda was now leaning up against the door from looking at Hilda with complete and utter concern.

"The last time I went swimming, my father had me swim out to the buoys and I never had the strength to do it. So, he would let me drown, then take me home put me in the Cain pit, and then proceed to yell at me when I gained conscious "

"Oh Hilda, I had no idea that father was treating you that way." Zelda went in for a hug and said "You're with us now, and nothing of the sort is going to happen. I promise"

"I know, but still the thought of swimming still makes me think of those times"

"So don't go, I can take Sabrina to the beach by myself"

"No, I'll go, you get lost in Greendale. I can't imagine what you would do outside of this town"

"I am not that bad" Zelda's worried tone had left and was replaced by a happy one "But come on, we need to get down there before something bad happens"

"Good point, let me grab a couple towels and I will be right behind you"

"Oh no, I am not leaving you again, grab the towels, but I will be following you every step of the way"

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