I Don't Care About Your Past.

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Zelda had listened very closely to what Mary was saying, they hadn't gotten to the reason for their meeting, but she didn't care. She loved the way that Mary talked, and she was even interested in the story she was telling her.

" I was around 300 years old when I first tasted mortal meat, I mean I knew that it was real, and by no means was I a vegetarian but I had just never wanted to taste it. The first piece I ate was bacon, it wasn't the best so that discouraged me, but when I was walking around, I smelt something that was to die for. So, I followed the smell and came to this man who was searing sausage and I asked if I could have a piece, well he said I had to do something for him first. - "

"Before you continue, you're out of wine, also where is your restroom?"

"OH, I'm sorry, it's right this way" Mary got up and went to take Zelda's hand, the witch gave it to her hesitantly. The moment she put her hand in Mary's she knew she made a mistake, all she wanted to do was pull her in and kiss her like that day on the beach. But she wouldn't - no she couldn't - do that without knowing who she really was.

When Zelda got back from the restroom Mary had gotten some water and another bottle of wine, when she sat down, she felt the difference in the air around them. "So, I guess we're getting down to business?"

"Yes, Zelda, I want you to know that I don't want you to hate me"

"Mary, I don't care about your past, as far as I've known you you've just been following orders of those above you. As long as you don't mean any harm to come to me or my family then I don't care" Zelda moved from her seat and moved over to Mary.

"Well, I'm glad you say that, so let me start off by saying that I really do enjoy our little commentary" She took a sip of wine and drained that glass. "So, to start off with, my name isn't Mary, it's Lilith. I am the Mother of Demons, Satan's Concubine-"

"I am well aware of who Lilith is" Zelda could practically strangle Lilith, but because she still wanted to listen she didn't.

"I understand that you must want to leave or kill me but please listen to me"

"I'm here, and I will listen, but I don't know how soon I'll be able to forgive you"

"Completely understandable, let me start off with the obvious, the dark lord sent me here to keep an eye on Sabrina and lead her to the book. Which I am doing to the best of my abilities, but there's more to the prophecies then he told me when he sent me here"

"Like what?" Zelda had gone from mad to over protective.

"Well, when she turns sixteen she is going to sign her name in the book of the beast, which you already know, and then Lucifer will make her queen of hell, to rule by his side"

Zelda went right back to being mad again "HE WANTS HER TO DO WHAT?????!!!!!"

"Zelda, calm down, I swear to you that I did not know that he wanted to do that. Ever since he has told me of the rest of his plans I have been trying to find a way to stop him, I think I've found a way but it requires something that I'm having a bit trouble finding"

Zelda looked into Lilith's eyes to see if she could find any trace of her lying or playing her but all she found was pure determination. "Well in that case, we have some work to do don't we?" She patted Lilith's cheek then got up to get a different bottle of liquor.

"Wait, you're not mad?"

"No, like I said I don't care about your past, and you didn't know about the rest of the prophecy,  so I will stand true to my word. But I will need time to process this, but like I said, I will not leave your side till' you are safely sitting on your throne in hell"

"How did you know that I wanted to rule hell?"

"Oh please darling, it's written all over your face. You are practically shouting it to the sky when we mention hell"

"Oh, I didn't realize that I was projecting it that much"

"It's fine, so how many more objects do you need to complete the ritual of stopping him"

"Well, I just need my Athame, I created it a long time ago in case I wanted to kill him, but I buried it above pandemonium"

"Well then let's summon it"

"I've tried Zelda, it won't respond to me. It's like I've denied it to long"

"Lilith" Zelda put her hand on the side of her face. "All you need to do is change tactics" Then she pulled her in for a long, deep, and passionate kiss.

Lilith immediately melted at the touch of Zelda, when she moaned into the kiss Zelda put her hand underneath Lilith's skirt and traveled up her thigh, letting her hand rest on the inside of it.

Lilith pushed Zelda backwards, she also put her hand on the back of Zelda's head so she didn't hit the arm rest. When Zelda heard Lilith hiss in response to pain she had flashbacks to when she was married to him. Lilith felt Zelda tense up so she pulled back and asked Zelda "Are you sure that you're OK with this?"

"Yes, I trust that you won't do that to me."

Lilith brought her hand down beneath Zelda's dress and felt her underwear, "Zelds, you're not even a little wet. I don't know if we should do this"

"No I can do it"

"Zelda, I am not going to do this, trust me, it's not that I don't want to because trust me I do. But I don't want to trigger any more unpleasant sensations for you, but don't worry, I won't leave you until you, your body, and your mind are up to it."

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