How's the Field trip?

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"Sabrina!! Hurry up, you're going to miss the bus"

"Coming Aunt Zee!!" Sabrina rushed down the stairs almost knocking Ambrose off his feet "I still don't understand why we can't just teleport there; it would be so much easier than having to wait in a bus"

"Because Sabrina, it is your school's rule that parents and/or guardians can't take you to your destination. "

" Well, that's stupid"

Zelda had calmed down a considerable amount and she found what Sabrina said to be funny, so when she tried to stifle a laugh, Hilda just looked at her and rolled her eyes.

"Hilda, what's bothering you?"


"I highly doubt that, but I will let it be for now. Come on Sabrina, we're leaving now" While everyone else thought that Zelda was still as happy as she was when she woke up, but Hilda knew that she was just covering her anger with her nice voice.

"OK Auntie!!! Bye Aunt Hilda, BYE Ambrose!!!"

From somewhere in the house, they heard "BYE COUSIN, BYE AUNT ZELDA"

"What a nice young man"

On the way to Baxter High Sabrina was going over everything that she had brought just to make sure that she didn't forget anything, Zelda was looking at her in the rear-view mirror - since Sabrina insisted on riding in the back - and she thought that it was the cutest thing.

"Sabrina, would you calm down? You are one of the most organized people that I know, I am positive that you didn't forget anything"

"But what if I did? Ugh this is so stressful" Sabrina's voice was oh so very anxious, but Zelda didn't pay it any mind because she knew what the girl was going through.

"Well, it doesn't matter, we're here and you're going to get on that bus. I promise, if you remember anything that you need tell me and I will have Hilda send it over"

"Oh thank you Aunt Zee" They had gotten out of the car at that point so she was able to turn and hug Zelda.

But Zelda being Zelda, she didn't know what to do so she just said "No problem honey" She started looking around and saw a bus pulling in "Hey, isn't that your bus?"

"Yes ma'am, that should be our bus"

"Well that's good, at least we're not late"

"With you being my chaperone I didn't think that the bus would even beat us here. And I was right, it didn't"

"Sabrina!! Ms. Spellman, what are you doing here this early?"

"Oh I'm sorry Mr. Hawthorne, my Aunt Zelda didn't want to be late, so she decided to come here extra early"

"I don't care about your excuses"

"MR. HAWTHORNE" They all looked around and saw Ms. Wardwell coming out of the school entrance "You have no right to yell at these innocent people, you need to go back into your office and calm down"

"Ms. Wardwell, you don't have the authority to yell at me. I am your boss"

"George Hawthorne, you are the principal, but you are not my boss" Everyone could see that Ms. Wardwell was visibly mad beyond belief, only Zelda could see that she was doing it out of some other emotion she couldn't identify.

"Well if i'm not your boss then who is?"

"I hardly see how that's relevant. She just told you to fuck off, and if you don't want to be in a world of hurt then I suggest that you oblige to her request" Sabrina and Ms. Wardwell could feel the anger radiating off of Zelda, but Mr. Hawthorne didn't take her warning to heart.

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