What Are We Going To Do?

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Zelda tried to convince Lilith that she was ok for like five minutes, Lilith denied her every time, she was trying to save Zelda a lot of trauma. When Lilith finally convinced her that she was fine just hanging out, Zelda got up and started to pace while smoking, "Since you care so much about me, I have something to tell you, it's about fighting that Dark Lord. I will help you defeat the Dark Lord until I die, and then if I get resurrected I will continue to fight by your side against him, he will not get Sabrina to be his daughter, bride, thing."

Lilith got up and walked up to Zelda, she put her hands on her shoulders, "Zelda, you don't have to do that, as soon as I figure out how to get my athame I will be able defeat him once and for all"

"I don't care if you think you can do this by yourself, I will help you, and I want to be there when you defeat him once and for all."

"I wouldn't have it any other way" She put her hands around Zelda's neck and pulled her in for a kiss, Zelda had sorta expected this so she put her hands on Lilith's waist and pulled her body closer to hers.

When they separated Zelda looked at the time and noticed that their our was almost up, "I guess I should get going"

"Yeah, or you could stay for the rest of the hour and teleport back when your hour is officially up"

"Yeah, I like that one" She took Lilith's hand and dragged her back to the couch, "So what do you say that we stay here and drink some more wine and talk?"

"I like that plan, but I want to change it a little bit" She put her hand on Zelda's waist and kissed her.

This time it was Zelda who melted, she pulled back with the biggest smile on, "I like that plan", Zelda also took initiative to push Lilith back on the couch and let her hand wander her body.

When it was time to leave Zelda stood in front of Lilith's mirror so that she could fix her hair and make-up, "You know, when we met I didn't even give you a second thought, but now I don't think you'll be leaving my thoughts"

"I think that's a lie" Lilith had walked up behind Zelda and put her arms around her waist. "Sabrina told me that you've been happier lately, she said it all started the day after the beach, and if I remember correctly that was the same day that I kissed you underwater"

She turned around and patted the side of Lilith's face and kissed her, "Shut up"


When Zelda got home Hilda immediately bombarded her with questions about Sabrina's schooling, her clubs, and why she was at the school for so long. Zelda didn't understand the need Hilda had to know all of those questions, so instead she just lit a cigarette, got a drink, and started pacing that living room floor.

Sabrina came running down the stairs at the sound of pacing footsteps, "Auntie Zee, how did the parent teacher conference go?"

"It went fine Sabrina, she said that you were doing very well in all of your studies, and that WICCA is also doing very well."

"Why did you answer her but not me?"

"Because Hilda, you are my sister, this is my niece who is worried about her schooling"

"That doesn't make it right, but it doesn't matter, dinner is in in the dining room and Ambrose is staying at the academy tonight so it's just us"

"Alright, let's go have dinner shall we"

Hilda and Sabrina shared a surprised and unknowing look behind Zelda's back, it was not normal of her to be so normal. "Hilda, Sabrina, the next time you want to share a moment about me, don't do it in front of a mirror"

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