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Ace: Com on follow me...

It was at that moment that he just dissaperared on me, like he went straight down the floor and then turned right. The first door there, was his room, he explained to me. If I needed something, I only need to ask him and if I feel lonely or am in a great danger, I should call his name and he will come.

Ace: I am the Cheshire cat. I can freely move from one end of this world to another in one instance. I am also able to hear an Alice.

 Me: And ther is the Alice again... This is really soo confusing.... is this a game or something? 

Ace: No. Everyone just has a role in this world.

Me: Can you explain again who or what is an Alice?

Ace: Sure. It must be hard for you.

Me: You don't have a fucking clue....

Ace: Well people in my world call people which are actually a yvi key, an Alice. They say the first Alice was actually a young girl with blond hair and blue eyes. She followed the white rabbit as he was traveling between our world's.

Me: That sounds like a story and a fairy tale.

Ace: Well that girl came here but because she wasn't like you an actually key, she couldn't go back home again. So she lived here and changed. At fist she was a normal girl like you, but with the time passing by, her character changed for the worst. She met the queen of Heart's and became of her best friends, if you actually can call it that way but never mind. I don't know what happened to her. So yes every story has a beginning somewhere.

Me: .... 


That is like this one story I really love and the reason my mom likes calling me Alice from time to time.

She used to say that I am like that girl from the story.

My mind was always somewhere else but never at the place it should be.

Daydreaming the whole day.


Of course I would day dream. 

I hate my life and the position of my place in socitey.

This was the least!

I just wanted to escape and get out of there....

But now that I am away...


This really wasn't what I wanted!

Ace: Atually the story about the first Alice has no ending, they all say that she moved to the queen and nobody saw her after that.

Me: So the white rabbit can also go between our worlds? Then he can send me back home!?

Ace: It's not that simple. 

Me: No?

Ace: No.

Me: Why not? You said it yourself that he could.

Not that this damn game window was telling me something else but I don't trust this!

I want to go home.

This is becomming ridiculous!

Why am I even here?!


Come to think of it....

We only here beacuse he was searching for a key which is a key player in this world and what? 

An yve key or something .... go why can't he just say it is not a NPC... 

This really feels like a game but with my life on the stake.

I really don'T wanna find out what a Jabberwalky is.

So If there is a possibility that that rabbit can send me home, I'll take it!

Ace: Well, kind off, back then the white rabbit could but now things changed and only the Cheshire cat can move between the two words and only on a knight of a full blue moon.

Me: So, then you can send me back on a blue moon. Perfect! When is the next one?

Ace: ...

Me: Of course that is the problem, isn't it?

Ace: Yea... that's the problem... I am sorry. 

There is always a problem!

Why must there always be a problem.

Can't there be a world without them.

It would be soo much easier to achieve a goal.

I didn't dared to ask but I needed to know what the problem was.

On the side note, this cat guy was looking at me, the change in his eyes, the answer I don't wanted to her had to be a terrible one. It really didn't looked good for me still I had to know it. 

Me: What problem?

He didn't answer right away.

I am still not sure if I actually wanted to hear them.

But it isn't the time for me to waver, i must know the truth if i want to return home.

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