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Ace: Well... There is only one every hundret years.

Me: Oh great....

Ace: But don't worry, I'll find a way to get you back.

Me: Thanks... Can I ask you something else?

Ace: Sure.

Me: What is a jaberwollky?

Ace: Where did you hear about that name?

Me: ... I have a feeling I need to catch it for whatever is going on.

Ace: I wouldn't even go near it.

Me: Ace, please! I need to know.

Ace: Fine. There is a swamp a couple of miles away no one enters for a reason. In there lives a creature we call jaberwollky. It's deadly and a lot of people tried to get rid of it bo they all failed.

Me: Oh....

Why do I have a feeling that all these missions I hopefully won't get and this one is the only one... are suicide missions.

A deadly creature?!

And I should what?!

Catch it?

Tame it?!


You want me dead?

What's wrong with you!!!

The moment I started questioning this game panne, it plopped up again with a progress bar and the same note as well as a map with a red dot miles away. It looked as if I was in a party with Ace right now because we were green dots.

Me: Oh great....

Ace: Mh?

Me: Don't question why but I need to get there and get that thing down.

Ace: ... You kidding right?

Me: Nope.

Ace: I just told you its one of the deadliest things in wonderland and you still want to go there.

Me: Listen, I don't want to go there but as an Alice I have too.

I think that should explain this.

I mean I do have this Alice weird shit role play going on.

Might as well use it to explain things.

Not as if that wasn't the truth at all.

It basically is putting me through hell at this point.

Ace: *Sigh* Are you sure you have to do this?

Me: Mh.

Ace: Okay. Let's rest up a bit more and after that we can go.

Me: Kay. Thanks for coming with me.

Ace: No problem. I got you here in the first place, so I will stay with you the whole time.

As he already said, we both continued to rest for a couple of days. These days were however more for me to rest and I also hated these dresses sooo I deceded to redecorate a bit and get me some green pants and got something quite fitting as well as more movable in it. I was sure if I was about to go walk and beat the shit out of some creature I don't even know, I sure don't want to be stuck with a damn dress.

 I was sure if I was about to go walk and beat the shit out of some creature I don't even know, I sure don't want to be stuck with a damn dress

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So I got myself some greenish green pants and then a white shirt on it. After that I also explored the mansion a bit and found a couple of weapons. I was good in archery so I got myself a bow and a knife just in case.

Once all prepareations were set, we both went ahead and got to our journey

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Once all prepareations were set, we both went ahead and got to our journey. It was a short one since he could travel trhough wonderland freely but there was another problem. This thing looked like a dragon and the moment I saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was well, how do I say this, HUGE!

That damn thing was more than huge and I wasn't so sure how I was about to tame it. This was definitelly not an easy task and in my opinion it was a damn suicide mission.

I just couldn't believe that this game system or whatever this was in this world wanted me this dead. 

Me (whispering): Why are we here again?

Me and Ace were both hiding in the bushes from this creature while it was walking around. It was definitelly feeling our presence as I could tell it was looking around, searching for something. It was weird too, since we didn't make a noise.

Ace (whispering): This was your idea. Remember?

Not mine...

This damn system!

I swear this will kill us for sure!

Ohh god...

I am regretting this soo much!

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