Pass or Fail?

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Well Miracles(viewers) this chapter is going to be short so forgive me please as my one leg is really paining a lot. Now you must be thinking that what it is have to do with the story so let me tell u that I am feeling like I don't have a leg like that, means it is paining so much, I guess my periods will come tomorrow so please understand okay!


They are going to shoot them and then.....


I saw with my binocular that they are going to shoot BTS so I quickly told manager that on the fogg (I don't know what it is called that white air or something) so manager followed my instructions immediately and then the fogg came so that's why before the shooter can shoot, BTS got covered with fogg and the enemies got confuse then I told my manager to take BTS  away from stage, so the staff came and took BTS away with them then I told my bandmates to shoot the enemies with the darts carefully so that no one can see them and others won't get hurt, everyone did as I said and then I shoot the last one and not to mention but the crowd got wild enough that the staff was not really able to calm them down why cause BTS went somewhere in middle while performing, first we checked everywhere that there is no sign of trouble then I told the manager to announce to the crowd that the BTS just need a small break and now they are coming back, then BTS came back and started performing their song 'FIRE' and then the show ended well and about the enemies they were secretly taken away from the crowd when BTS was performing.


Well everyone must be thinking that from where the fogg thing came from, so let me tell you




Y/n- Manager wait! (coldly)

Manager- Yes Y/n

Y/n- Manager I want to tell you something

Manager- Yes Y/n what is it?

Y/n- Well Manager I just want to say that please keep the white fogg ready in a lot of amount

Manager- White Fogg why?

Y/n- cause there is going to be a attack on BTS 

Manager- Wait what? how do you know this?

Y/n- Well.....



Ari- Y/n you shot them you did a great job! (proud)

Bora- Yes! anyway they were of no use

Y/n- Guys they are still alive

Me-Cha- What? but they are not even moving (confused)

Y/n - Do-Yun Come here

Do-Yun- Yes

Y/n- Check their pulses

Do-Yun- They are alive! (shocked)

Y/n- Everyone come here

Everyone- Yes!

Y/n- Ji-Ho come forward and see this and tell me where have I shot them

Ji-Ho- You have shot enemy 2 near his heart and Enemy 1 in stomach

Mi-Hi- That's why they are still alive just got fainted due to getting shot. (unbothered)

Y/n- Correct so you see guys  they are alive and they are not useless they can still tell us about their boss

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