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For the first time in a long time, the moment her flight landed in Spain with her newly recovering boyfriend, Miranda's heart was full.

Just thinking of the word "boyfriend" made her feel giddy. It was something she'd been wanting for the longest time, but had lost faith in ever finding. Alejandro was the type of boyfriend she'd dreamed of having, but never expected to ever have. Now that the game was over, she was right about him having a heart underneath that mastermind persona of his. Even in his crippled state, he strived to make sure she felt like the queen of his kingdom, filling her heart with endless joy.

And the joy was amplified when she was able to meet his family. Pamela, Alejandro's mother, was so excited to see her when she walked in the door, immediately wrapping her in a big hug and cooing excitedly.

"¡Oh, mija! ¡Bienvenido a casa! ¡Estás brillando, querida! ¡Tan bonita!"

Miranda giggled sweetly, squeezing her warmly as if she was her mother. She silently thanked her past self for taking Spanish in high school.

"Gracias, muchas gracias!"

Alejandro was quite amused by their mutual excitement. He'd missed his mother's hospitality and upbeat energy.

"¿Uh, mama? ¿Qué hay de mí?" Alejandro chuckled cheekily.

"Sí, mijo, lo sé. Solo estoy felicitando lo bonita que es Miranda. ¿No se ve hermosa?" Pamela teased.

"Sí, se ve angelical. Pero yo también." Alejandro smirked.

Pamela did eventually give her son a big hug, kissing his cheek and cupping his face, making Miranda smile. Once greetings between the three were complete, Pamela showed Miranda around the house, introducing her to one of Alejandro's two brothers, Carlos. The soccer player shook her head ambitiously.

"Miranda, que bonita nombre! ¡Placer conocerte!"

"Tú también, Carlos, gracias." Miranda smiled courteously.

"¿Tú hablas español?" Carlos snickered.

"¡Solo un poco, lo siento!" Miranda sheepishly chuckled.

"Ah, no worries! We all speak English, too. If you don't understand, yell at me, I don't care."

Miranda found him entertaining, to say the least. She thought he reminded her of the clumsy jocks who were full of themselves in high school.

Alejandro had just taken Miranda's bags into the guest room when he came into the room. Carlos walked over to his brother and bumped him with his elbow.

"¡Ella es diferente! Voy por las chicas dulces ahora, ¿eh, hermano?" he snickered.

Alejandro scoffed, shaking his head. Thankfully, his accursed brother, Jose, would be away all week at college for his final exams. Sure, Carlos was also cocky and annoying, but he was no girlfriend stealer. He had his own that he loved almost more than soccer. Almost. But, Alejandro he wouldn't be that big of an issue.

It wasn't until around six PM that Alejandro's father, Sanchez, arrived home from work to meet her.

"Padre, esta es Miranda, mi maravillosa novia. Miranda, darling, my father."

The man looked quite powerful in his business suit and slicked-back hair. It was safe to say that Miranda was a little more than intimidated to meet him. Alejandro assured her though that he appeared standoffish and blunt, he meant well.

"Un placer conocerlo, Sr. Burromuerto."

Hearing the girl speak Spanish was surprising to Sanchez but quite endearing. He could tell just by looking at her that she wasn't versed in the language. But he was flattered that she even tried.

Total Drama World Tour: Miranda's Way (Alternate Version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant