Chapter 15: "Thick as Thieves"

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If there was one thing that Miranda halfheartedly enjoyed, it was drama. It was an awful thing, definitely, but still, she loved it. There was nothing like the petty excitement that came with spilling a little tea. Before she'd met Alejandro, it had been her biggest guilty pleasure.

She also got a kick out of seeing Courtney crying on the floor and Duncan with spaghetti over his head, pun intended. He was now holding an ice pack over his eye and groin in Economy Class with the rest of his team, which had begun talking their shit about the whole situation.

"I'm serious. The guy's a jerk with a capital G. I'd never cheat on my Lindsay the way he hurt Courtney. He deserved two kicks to the–"

"I'm not saying what Duncan did was right, like not at all. But, Courtney hasn't been the best to him, so I see why he would want to be with someone else. It didn't have to be this messy, but I don't know what Courtney was expecting to happen when she chose to date a bad boy." Miranda rolled her eyes.

Owen spoke up. "Permission to speak freely. You know, athlete to athlete."

His gold medal from the challenge in Greece was completely crushed.

"What happened to your medal?" Tyler asked.

"Huh? Oh, I ate the chocolate. So good."

Miranda gasped. "Aw, if I knew they were chocolate, I would've won."

Alejandro snickered quietly from the other side of the room.

Owen continued. "Well, then I refilled it with peanuts, ate those. Refilled it with foam packing peanuts, ate those. Puked up a painful white cloud, and didn't refill it."

He chuckled nervously, scooting over to Tyler.

"Uh, jock talk aside, the way I see it, Duncan is a double gold medalist, in the Total Drama Babe Olympics!"

"There's a Babe Olympics?" Tyler asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

The tone of his voice made Miranda laugh outright, unable to contain herself.

"Oh my God, I can't do this~"

She laid down, covering her face and laughing as Owen continued.

"Well, Duncan is the only guy in TD history to score two hotties!"

"Courtney and Gwen? Punk's got mojo!" Tyler seemed thoroughly convinced.

This only made Miranda laugh harder, her face flushing. Alejandro couldn't help but grin at the sweet sound of her giggles. When she sat up, she wiped her cheeks of tears.

"But like, Courtney's personality is complete shit. Physically, sure, kinda hot. But personality beats appearance any day."

It was around this time Alejandro decided to leave the room to take a quick confessional.

"Problem, Duncan is a strong player. Solution? Courtney is volatile. She'll throw the Amazons off their game, and Duncan off his game too. All she needs is a little push."

Soon after he returned, the plane went into violent turbulence.

"Attention potential crash victims! Please remain calm. Our autopilot is testing some equipment. Relax in the Common Area if you don't believe me, and want a last meal."

Only a bowl of fruit awaited everyone as they piled into the Common Area.

"You call these snacks!? We're all gonna die!" Owen cried as he ate a bunch of bananas.

"Does anyone have a knife so I can have pineapple?" Miranda asked shyly.

Duncan took out his pocket knife and tossed it to her. She caught it clumsily before revealing the blade and cutting into the pineapple.

Total Drama World Tour: Miranda's Way (Alternate Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora