Chapter 22: "Steadiness Was Seldom"

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Alejandro couldn't help but be frustrated, despite his luxurious accommodations. Sadly for him, he had been unable to sleep due to Sierra attempting to sneak in and visit her beloved Cody. But, as inconvenient as it all was, it gave him a good opportunity to strategize and plan out his next move.

Even though he secretly expected Miranda to try and sneak in as well, that never came to be. He could only hope that she was getting some proper rest for once. He always pitied her the most on her sleepless nights.

Unfortunately, Miranda was wide awake as always, stuck listening to Sierra plan out her undercover missions. She was pacing the floor, trying to map out what point of entry she should take, while Miranda tried to tune her out with her pillows.

"Okay, so if I go through the air ducts...I'd have to go left, right, then right again, then..."

"If that bastard's awake, don't even bother. You're gonna get caught again." Miranda grumbled through the cloth of her pillows.

"But, I miss him so much! I just need to know if he's okay...!"

"As much as I'd love to help you with your seventh attempt, I don't remember the last time I had a full night's sleep, so..."

Once Sierra heard this, she gasped. "What!? Sleep then, ya crazy! Don't worry about me, I got this."

Miranda was taken a bit off guard by how quickly Sierra had conceded. Considering how active and insistent she had just been about this plan, it was unexpectedly considerate of her.

"Oh. Um, thanks. Good luck."

So, Miranda turned around onto her side, finally closing her eyes to sleep. It was the only way she could possibly clear her head after today's shit show of an elimination ceremony. She'd mostly calmed down from her tantrum, but there were definitely still remnants of anger in her system. But that didn't stop that smug smile of his from haunting her dreams. But, instead of suave praise, his voice was filled with venom.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

"You're just so helpless for me, aren't you?"

"Even when you're in shambles, you crave me."

Sierra eventually gave up on her mission, accepting defeat as she drifted off on the bench across the room. This meant Alejandro could also finally get some sleep, no longer having to worry about being on guard duty.

Still, he managed to wake up before Cody the next morning. But once Cody finally did wake up, he seemed completely stunned, like the previous night of peaceful sleep was nothing burn a fantasy.

"My socks are still on? I'm still in the same position I fell asleep in?"

He sniffed his shirt cautiously. "I don't smell like crazy?"

He sighed with pure relief, leaning back in his golden chair. "Sierra left me alone all night!"

Alejandro snickered coyly. "She did try to sneak in, seven times. But, I sleep with one eye open for a reason."

Cody suddenly leaped onto him, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you!"

Alejandro was incredibly shocked and uncomfortable by his sudden outburst. But he played along as best as he could muster, smiling through his discomfort.

"Please, my friend. I-It was nothing."

Alejandro tried to pull Cody off of him, only to have him latch right back on. It was always cute when Miranda did that, but not so much with Cody.

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