Chapter 24: "Letting It Hurt"

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"Nope, Miranda, if your life is on the line, there should be no convincing, no ulterior motive, nothing. You made the right decision to betray him." Cody crossed his arms.

"The fact that you had to convince him at all...that's terrible!" Sierra frowned.

Miranda shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't know...I'm just thankful he actually did. I've gotten used to all his mind games and tricks. I mean, he's not predictable by any means, but I've gotten to the point that it just doesn't...surprise me anymore. It hurts, yeah, but I don't always feel blindsided by it. It's like a disappointing feeling above all else."

"Still, you shouldn't be defending someone who lied to you and made you second guess yourself. You're way above that. I hope you and Cody burn him to the ground in the finale." Sierra growled.

"I hope so too." Cody snickered teasingly.

Miranda chuckled sheepishly, trying to dismiss that unsettling feeling pounding in her chest.  She stood up and rocked back and forth a bit on her heels.

"I'm just so relieved that he didn't find out about the vote, he would've destroyed me. I threw them into the fire, thank God, so...I should be fine...hopefully."

"That's good. The last thing we need is to have that guy coming for blood." Cody smiled nervously.

"Mine, especially. You didn't do anything to make him want to go after you. I went back on a promise, which isn't something I normally do. Not to mention we were on a team together and maybe had a kind of...alliance, of sorts."

"That's one way to describe it." Sierra scoffed, pointing to a bruise on her neck.

Miranda blushed, dismissing it and covering the bruise with her hair.

"I-I just don't want him to hate me, you know? I honestly don't care that he's using me, I always knew he was. I let him so I could stay on his good side. I thought I wouldn't care if he had anything against me, I wouldn't blame him if he did. But the thought of him hating me just...scares me. Ugh, I can't believe I ended up catching feelings for him...It almost feels toxic, especially since I know how he behaves with other girls...but, look at me! I did! I fell for him. I just... he's handsome, he's smart, and when I was sad, he knew how to comfort me. It sounds dumb, but...that's all I could ever want. When he was there for me, he was...exactly what I needed. He made me want to get better. Physically, mentally, emotionally... No one's ever sparked that feeling in me before."

Miranda's face flushed a hazy burgundy the more and more she spoke of Alejandro's good qualities. A dreamy smile crept onto her face, the kind someone would see when the lead in an actress movie meets her soulmate.

Sierra gasped. "That is the most wholesome thing I've ever heard...! Aww, Miranda~!"

Miranda chuckled, a little embarrassed at her vulnerability. "God, that was really cheesy, wasn't it? But, yeah, that's just me being hopeless. I mean, look what he did to us. He'd take that wholesome, lovey-dovey crap and crush it in his fist if he heard it. That, or probably laugh in my face. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's fallen this hard for that bastard."

"Yeah, it really sucks that he did that when you two were seemingly so close. Did you have any idea of what was going on?"
Cody sat down on a charred crate.

"Nope, not a clue. Before I found out about it, I honestly thought sticking with him was my safest bet. He said something to me in First Class that...tch, wow, this is ironic as hell— that the ones that hurt the most of the ones you least expect."

Sierra laughed out loud, making Miranda giggle. "Woooow~ Coming from him, of all people!?"

"I know, that's what I said~! Like, I literally called him a hypocrite for saying that! But, then I started to feel that way with you 'cause I didn't expect you to be so mad at me. But, he really fucking got me. That fucking asshole~"

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