Chapter 23: "Make Up Your Mind"

Start from the beginning

With some crafty photo manipulation, he created a seemingly real image of Cody and Miranda resting on each other in Economy Class. Multiple copies of it were printed moments later.

Was it incredibly backstabbing? Absolutely, especially after redeeming himself to Miranda. But, he figured what she didn't know wouldn't harm her. All he needed to do was turn the girls against each other, so he could secure two votes for anyone but himself.

Once he was finished, he shut everything down, snatched up the photos, and got back to First Class. Miranda hadn't moved since he'd left, a wave of subtle washing over his system. Instead of potentially disturbing her, Alejandro decided to leave her be and simply sleep in the chair beside her, a content grin glued onto his face.

The next morning, he fully expected Miranda to be awake before him, but he was mistaken. The doll was still fast asleep, her breathing the calmest he'd ever seen it. Usually, she had a pillow to grip onto while she slept, but since she didn't, she was hugging herself unknowingly, as if there was something filling the empty space. He had noticed this habit of hers early on and completely adored it. It was so wholesome to him. Though he supposed it could also be a bit sad at times, as she was desperate to have something, or someone, to hold onto.

Despite how peaceful she was, he took no time to leave a soft peck on her cheek, a yawn escaping his mouth shortly after.

"Buenos diaz, muñeca." he purred gently in her ear.

She quietly groaned, trying to swat away what was tickling her cheek. Alejandro chuckled sleepily, peppering said cheek with kisses again.

Miranda halfheartedly opened her eyes, yawning through her tired whining.

"Fuck off of me...Just five more minutes."

"Ooh, feisty girl...Says the one who didn't want to go to sleep last night." Alejandro quipped.

Miranda groaned, trying to push his face away again, making him snicker.

"Though I pity your inability to sleep, I miss seeing your gorgeous baby blues."

"My baby blues are fucking tired, now back off~" She huffed, turning on to the side facing away from him.

Alejandro hummed playfully, getting up from his chair and walking around to the side she'd turned to face. He crouched down so he could be at eye level with her sweetly sleepy pout.

"Dollface~" he cooed, pushing the hair out of her face, making her nose scrunch slightly.

"...I'm only getting up if there's coffee."

"How do you like it?" Alejandro grinned, obeying fast.

"Are you making coffee?"


"...Splash of caramel and almond milk," Miranda grumbled tiredly.

"Your wish is my command, gorgeous."

He stood up and began preparing a pot of coffee, and while he was at it, he also made himself a quick breakfast. Though she didn't believe he was actually doing that until she heard the coffee starting to brew in the machine. She sat up and peeked through the seats, watching him take out a mug from behind the bar. She knew he felt guilty for what happened in Africa, but she didn't expect him to be this acquiescent. She kind of found it charming to watch him cook, she wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was the strange domestication of such a macho man, something about the concept was romantic in her frazzled mind.

When everything was done, he came back over with a plate of pupusas and her coffee poured in a simple black mug.

She took a sip, and her eyes widened. She made her coffee this way constantly, but it was never so brewed to flawlessness.

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