Chapter 20: "Talk Smack"

Start from the beginning

"Yes, it's his. I completely agree with you. But, I'm not voting him off. Not yet." she hissed through her whispers.

"Oh, come on. Just because you've fallen for his stupid flirting doesn't mean–" Heather glared.

"W-What? That's not the reason...! Absolutely not. I just...haven't seen the golden opportunity to do it."

"You've had plenty of chances. You could've done it in Niagara Falls, 'cause he, you know, fell off the rope after he gave you his word. Don't you feel as though you were...maybe, betrayed?"

The sudden sadness that flooded Miranda's eyes brought Heather some quick satisfaction. It was exactly the button she needed to push.

"...Yeah, I do...But, I just– Listen, I really appreciate the advice, but I don't want anyone else gone before Courtney. As soon as she's gone, then yes, I will be totally on board with you."

"Okay, fine. First Courtney, then the handsome jerk. Deal?"

As Heather extended out her hand for Miranda to shake, Miranda flinched, unsure whether or not to go through with this at first.

"Are you insane? Listening to Heather is a literal death sentence."

"Wanting to be manipulated again, huh? Pathetic."

"If he plays dirty, you gotta play dirty."

"Grow a pair and shake her hand, dumbass."

After a moment of trying to shoo away those obnoxious voices, Miranda grimaced and shook Heather's hand. Soon, Cody's continuous whining and complaining finally got the attention of the two girls.

"She wants to throw a reception for us when we get home. She wants to get one of those cupcake cakes, and spend the whole day smashing icing into each other's faces!"

Alejandro wrapped an arm around his shoulder, snickering.

"They say it's always best for a husband to indulge his wife."

Heather rolled her eyes. "Except they're not married."

"But they are! I saw it myself!" Alejandro countered.

"There is no marriage certificate, no rings, no paparazzi photos..." Heather listed as Miranda nodded her head.

"No, that's true! That's true!" Cody smiled.

Miranda scoffed. "You two are about as married as Alejandro and I."

Alejandro's perked up as he smirked at her cheekily.

"Mi ángel~ I know you crave Alejandro like a baked chicken carves mole sauce, but marriage? Aren't you...rushing things?"

Miranda's cheeks flushed bright red, leading her to stammer out her response.

"I-It was sarcasm...! A-Aren't you one to talk about rushing things?"

"Your mouth says such, but your eyes say something else~"

Miranda rolled said eyes. "They say, shut the hell up."

She turned her back to him grumpily, leading him to scoot closer to her and whisper in her ear.

"I know they're only married in Sierra's fantasy. But, she needs me to say I witnessed it. And therefore, she stays on our side."

She knew exactly what he meant by the phrase "our side", however, that didn't mean she believed in it. It was his side, and she was the accessory to such. But accessories were good at going along with things.

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