"Easy question." Lovelock said, "is he breathing? No. Does he have pulse? No. Is he moving? If you bothered to look at the bodies in coffins, you might actually find a lot of them better looking than him now. How would you think that he is alive?"

"But madam-" the clerk said, trying to stop her, "you know we have to follow the procedures. We can't risk- he's dangerous, you know."

"you must be new. How long have you been here?" Lovelock replied, staring at her into her eyes as she showed her a cold face.

"It's my second year and i will reach my third next week." She replied. "But-"

"exactly. You're new." Lovelock said. "And you aren't even working in this department too. I have been here for twenty years, been dealing with this guy longer than your grandparents have been alive- when I say that's he dead, he's dead, understand?"

"If you insist, madam." She said, tone entirely filled with uncertainty.

"What are you still doing in here, lead the way. They must have been waiting." Lovelock said, annoyed.

"If course, certainly." She replied, and pushed the door open for her to pass through. "If you allow, I would like to- like- talk."

"Yes?" Lovelock asked coldly.

"Madam- you see, they weren't happy with the result." She started. "Nobody have slept last night, everybody were arguing- about something. I didn't eavesdrop, rest ensured, but they seemed to be talking about another immortal that seemed to be around."

"Obliviously." Lovelock replied. "And?"

"Do you think that there might be an immortal among us?" she asked. "That- that would be dangerous- very dangerous indeed. If it's really the case, then we have to find them immediately- look, it's a real threat!"

"Yeah?" Lovelock replied, "like it's a big deal."

"Of course it's a big deal!" She yelled, "no matter who they are, we would have to catch them. It's what we do- and it's not even negotiable."

"You're loud." Lovelock said.

"I'm sorry-" she whispered. "But it's a big deal!"

"There would be a lot happening, it's no big deal." Lovelock said. It sounded weird- her comforting others. Especially she was the stared threat.

It seemed as if there were nobody knowing that she was also one of them, and form the looks of the new people, they were completely unaware if the incident that happened a while ago- chatting, laughing, chilling around as they chatted with their friends.

Lovelock signed. "Here?" She asked, and the two of them stopped in front of the door.

"Yeah." She replied, carefully looking away not to meet her eyes. "They mentioned that they only wanted you in, so if you excuse me, I'll leave now."

"Fell free to." Lovelock replied coldly, "it's fine, I can deal with it." And before she finished, the clerk had already walked away.

She pushed the door open gently. It was the meeting hall, with one of the seats supposed to be destined for her.

But it would no longer be hers. She knew it way before she opened the door and saw every single seat was filled with at least someone.

"Finally here?" Someone asked.

"What you asked for." Lovelock snapped, and tossed the bag to the centre of the table. "That's all of what's you're asking. And with very detailed checkups, I can ensure you personally that The Only is dead."

"Any explanations?" The cold voice struck from the man sitting in the middle, loud and intimidating.

"There would always be casualties when we are dealing with someone dangerous and powerful like him," lovelock replied, "and I thought that it was sighing the expected range of damage we calculated?"

"Not the people. The girl."

"What girl?" Lovelock questioned, staring at the figure who sat in the middle.

"From what we know, you set a girl free before bringing The Only here, am i right?" He said, slowly as he stated back. Lovelock stared back, trying to stay as calm as possible, but she could not hold long. Soon, when the eyes met longer, something lit inside her- and she was afraid, scared.

"We talked about how nobody, who's not part of us, could leave knowing about everything alive, right?" He judged, "did you ever know about the possible consequences? We talked about this- you know the punishments."

"Of course I do." Lovelock said, "But I don't really think you need a reason if you ever wanted go simply punish me-" she looked at the seat that's was supposed to be hers, at the young looking face that seemed to show a man at his thirties- "look at how fast you have found a replacement."

"We only want to talk about what you have done."

"I never saw any girl that came with our target." Lovelock said firmly, "if there had been- which there had never been any girl as you mentioned- I would be personally ensuring her death."

"Oh really?" The question came cold like spears, striking into her heart, "Really brave for you to make such a promise. You're lying- and everyone knows it."

"If you allow me, I'll prove myself and delivering the promise I made." Lovelock said.

"There would be no such need." The man said, as he pointed to the exact same man who sat in her chair, "we have a new department head. He's also an immortal, just like you, but he's more loyal, more dedicated to his work than you. And if anything, he would be better then you."

"And?" Lovelock asked, "so I assume that I could return home and live a quiet life then."

"As the rules goes, nobody leaves here alive knowing everything." The man said, and the young immortal stood and faced her, hand already inside his pocket, ready to strike. "You are dismissed."

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