"I want to train with them." I speak and they all look at me. "I can't just sit back and let him do as he pleases. I want to fight with my pack." As soon as I say my pack, Hunter looks at me with smile.

"You don't need to train, Angel." Hunter doesn't want me to fight. "Your body is already going through enough with you changing into wolf. It will tire you out."

"You really don't need to train, Angie!" Clay speaks. "Not because you have to fight, but because you don't need to train. You fight very well. I know that. These guys have just not seen it." Clay points at Mark and Hunter.

"I have seen her fight. I have trained her before she is a wolf." Hunter says and Clay shakes her head.

"No. You haven't seen her actually fight." She clarifies. "She can beat Mark any day."

"Hey!" Mark looks offended. She shrugs at him. "I fight well." He defends himself.

"Not as good as her." Clay denies and I smile. Uncle trained was very well. He was particularly tough on me. He made sure that I learned everything without mistake. "She has turned into a wolf now. Her energy matches yours now. We can have a demo fight." Clay tells him and I look at her wide eyed. "What?" She asks me. "You don't need to hide your ability anymore."

"Clay." There is no stopping her.

"Show them how bad ass you are." She tells me and I shake my head.

"Oh, I would love to see that side of hers." Hunter teases me. "Derek and Kyle are here too." I can smell them. "Come on. Let's go out and settle this now." Hunter says and looks at me. "Are you ready, Angel?" He asks me and I look at Clay.

"Damn right she is!" She says and I sigh.

"Okay." I agree and we all go out. Derek and Kyle are about to come in when they see us coming out.

"Alpha. Luna." They both greet us. "Are you going somewhere?" Derek asks.

"Yes. Just outside. Your Luna is going to fight Mark." Hunter announces and I stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"What?" Kyle is in shock. "Mark? Luna, no offense, but you have just turned two weeks ago. He is the second best fighter in the pack." He says and that hits me. My wolf feels challenged. Now I have to fight. I fold my hands near my chest.

"Really?" I ask and Derek speaks.

"Yes, Luna." Derek agrees.

"Maybe I shouldn't fight Mark then." As soon as I say that Clay smiles. She knows that they aggrevated me.

"Oh, this is good." Clay grins at Mark and then looks at Hunter. He looks at her with a frown as to why she is smiling.

"I want to fight your first best fighter." I say. I know that it's Hunter. Mark, Derek and Kyle look at me in shock. I am not going to take this challenge lightly. I am not going to be under estimated.

"I am ready." Hunter smile as he challenges me back.

"I love this!" Clay says excitedly. Derek and Kyle are still in shock. "You know what?" She starts. "Since we are doing this, how about we do it in the pack grounds?" Derek and Kyle look at her in shock. "Since the warriors of our pack are training near the pack house, we can actually take this fight there." I smile.

"That is a good idea." I agree.

"I don't mind fighting you there." Hunter challenges back and I grin biting my lip.

"Is this really happening?" Kyle asks. My eyes are on Hunter who is smiling cheekily.

"Let's go." I say and we walk out.

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