Tuesday, twenty-second of December 2015

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"I am so done!", moaned Stella. She let herself fall into an armchair next to Ivy, who looked up from her book. "Last period of the year?", she asked and when Stella nodded, she put her book back into the bookshelf and stood up. "Great!", she said, "Any ideas, what we could do, sunshine?" Stella smiled. Ivy just recently started to call er sunshine again, and she had to admit, that she had missed it. "How about, you take me to Hogsmeade, we'll buy some last presents and be right back for the last feast of the leavers." "Great! I'll go and tell Flitwick.", and Ivy ran off. Stella sighed and stood up again, to fetch hers and Ivy's stuff out of their dorms.

When they met each other again on the courtyard, Stella with their bags floating in mid-air behind her and Ivy jumping in the air out of excitement, Stella had the perfect plan, for the perfect day. When Ivy nearly kicked one of the gargoyles, Stella said: "Oi, shouldn't you be the responsible one? You're literally four years older!" Ivy just laughed, as always. "It isn't as if I'm not responsible, I didn't kick the gargoyle."- "You nearly did!" – "I'm just super happy!" At this Stella smiled, Ivy was happy, like truly happy. It seemed like the first time in months, she had been happy for this long. Of course, this week had had its ups and downs, but Ivy was happy.

When Ivy saw Stella smile, she smiled too. No, she smiled more. Two by two, they walked down the road to Hogsmeade. It was silent, but a good silence, just when they walked past the sign that announced the beginning of the village, they began speaking again. Nothing was out of order, just two pretty best friends being alone on the way to a pub...

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