Saturday, ninth of Mai 2015

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Stella and Ivy sat together at the lake. The sun was setting, and everything was pretty normal. even though they both knew that nothing ever was normal. They had met each other nearly two years ago and had become best friends, despite the age gap and mocking people. It seemed like everything had changed through these two years. Stella wasn't alone anymore. Ivy learned about responsibility. Stella learned about life outside of books and Ivy got a girlfriend. The only thing that was stable was their friendship. They were both happy, silently looking at the sun, vanishing in the lake. It was warm at the moment and Stella wished she could keep things this way. Not worrying about anything, no responsibilities, no expectations. But it got cold as soon as the sun was gone. And even though Ivy casted the warmth spell on us, Stella couldn't help thinking, that time was way to fast. After this summer, they only had one year left. One year to enjoy each other's presence day by day. One year to become clear of her very chaotic confusing emotions. It was kind of weird, that she would think about this so calmly, sitting right next to the person in question. But she had confidence, that it was going to be alright.

Ivy could nearly hear her best friend thinking. Thinking about next year. Thinking about the time after I will have finished school. "I will visit you in Hogsmeade you know.", I said and broke the beautiful silence to reveal an even more beautiful conversion, "You'll come and visit me in the holidays, and you're always welcomed at mine and Alicia's house. Stella smiled and nodded. "I know. You won't get rid of me that soon.", Stella answered, and they both smiled at each other. They were happy, infinitely happy. Only Stella was glad, that Ivy couldn't really read minds. 

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