Chapter Thirty Six ~ Luke

Start from the beginning

"What?" MIS hisses (man in suit) "This isn't what we agreed upon gentleman" he adds as he looks, between everyone.

"I did my part" Mr Chen replies calmly. "It is not my fault he's a fool" he adds gesturing to Smitty.

"Do you have any idea of what I've had to do to get this deal?" Vinnie hisses when I watch as Smitty's posture tenses and he looks calmly at Vinnie.

Alarm bells go off in my head looking back at Saint, he's reaching for his weapon. "Sweetheart, I'm gonna have to ask you to gather people out of the restaurant as quickly and as quietly as you can—can you do that for me?" Saint asks Jenny.

She nods, as fear takes over her eyes. "Go," I say softly, she watches as I too reach for my weapon.

"Oh, I know what you did" Smitty replies coldly. "I know what you did as well" Smitty adds looking at Mr Chen.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Mr Chen replies looking to the man on his left I know that this man must be Kai from the video at the club.

Smitty chuckles humourlessly. "You gotta be a sick fuck to murder your own kid"

"What?" Someone hisses from somewhere I cannot see when a man comes out from nowhere walking towards Mr Chen's table. "You told me he was involved in a drive-by shooting that they" he hisses pointing to Smitty and Vinnie. "Orchestrated"

"What?" Vinnie bellows pulling his gun out at them. "You were setting me up?" He asks Kai to which Kai chuckles and from nowhere Vinnie ends up with a knife to the skull before dropping to the floor.

"Oh, my god" MIS baulks. "I'm going to be sick" he cries before he throws up.

Kai pulls a gun pointing it at Smitty who just sits there grinning then out of nowhere Smitty's men appear and aim their weapons at Kai and his men. "As I was saying," Smitty says to Mr Chen. "You gotta be fucked in the head killing your own flesh and blood" he hisses.

Mr Chen shrugs. "He was weak, he didn't have what it takes to go the distance"

"He didn't have what it takes?" Smitty muses mulling Mr Chen's words over.

MIS's head comes back up looking green in the face. "The deals off" he croaks wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Like fuck it is" Kai hisses pointing the gun at MIS. "We had a deal, we held our part, we should get paid"

The man that made himself known before moves suddenly and snaps Kai's neck before spitting at him on the floor.

Saint motions for me to make our presence known, I nod before I take off the safety on my gun. "Police—nobody move" I bellow. "Put your hands up where I can see them"

Smitty rolls his eyes before he quickly shoots his gun hitting Mr Chen square in the head. "Smitty" I hiss. "Put the gun DOWN"

I look to Mr Chen who is no doubt dead and look to see any other threat. The man that killed Kai is nowhere to be seen, and neither are his men. "Kai's men have disappeared," I tell Saint as he puts Smitty in handcuffs. "So has that fella who killed Kai" I gesture to Kai's body.

"What the fuck were you playing at, Smitty?" Saint growls. "Why did you kill Mr Chen?"

He shrugs simply. "He," he says gesturing to Vinnie. "Killed my boy—he" Smitty gestures to Kai. "Killed Vinnie, I couldn't kill Kai so I killed Chen" he shrugs nonchalantly but grins at me and Saint.

"You know you'll be going to prison?" I tell him.

Smitty shrugs again. "Don't fucking care, I avenged my boy, that's all I care about"

"We'll have to call for backup," Saint tells me.

"Uncle Colin's already done that," Jenny says appearing out of nowhere.

"I should offer that fucker a job on the force" Saint muses.

I chuckle before taking Smitty from the restaurant to Saint's car. "A piece of advice, son," Smitty says before I shut the door making me pause. "Just because Vinnie is dead doesn't mean your girl and your baby are safe"

"Is that a threat" I growl.

"Like I said" Smitty chuckles. "A piece of advice—Vinnie's girl is fucking crazy, I had her looked into and she's fucking certifiable and you know once she learns about his death she's gonna come looking"

"What makes you think she's gonna come for Helen?" I ask.

"Because she's the one Vinnie was after and she knows this" Smitty tells me before I shut the door all the while fearing for my reason for living in harms way shooting through my body.

I make a call to Colin, telling him what Smitty told me and ask him to keep Helen close to him till I sort this mess out, all the while I'm looking up all I can about Vinnie's girlfriend and talk to Maria telling her to weary around her.

"I fucking knew her ass was crazy" Maria hisses. "Good job I can handle crazy, don't you worry about lil ole me, Mr Policeman" she adds sassily before hanging up.

I square everything up with Saint before leaving to be with my girl.

Luke & His Runaway Love (Book Two Of The "And His" Series) (WIP)Where stories live. Discover now