Chapter Forty: Resurrecting A Legend

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Nesrin's POV
I haven't been able to sleep since they left at 6pm. I have  been nothing but a bundle of nerves.

I'm not worried about Reli but Renée. Reli can take care of himself. Renée is at a disadvantage because of the pregnancy. I can't believe she still left even when she knew she is pregnant! I should have told him that she's pregnant. She would have hated me but it would be fir her own good.

"Is there any news?" I turned to Barlowe.

I have asked this question repeatedly.

"We are still waiting." I released the pillow I've been gripping. "Should I get you something to help you sleep?"

I hate this time of the year because I get reminded of a man I dearly loved and I never even got to tell him. He never got to tell me either but somehow after all our issues, we found peace in our chaos. Today is his anniversary and to me it feels like he died just yesterday. I still smell his perfume on the clothes I kept. I still hear him laughing,that wicked laughter. Sometimes, I feel so close to him I'm sure I'm on my way to him. Being around Reli feels especially familiar. It's in the way they behave. It's similar. It's only that Dargan was especially mean and he liked to bully people. But in his calm moments, when he decided to be sane, he behaved similarly to Reli.

"It's 5am in the morning. How can I possibly sleep?"

"The king is capable. You shouldn't worry."

"The Queen is pregnant." I sighed. I just have to tell someone. Barlowe left his place by the door. He walked up to me.

"And he took her with him?"

Barlowe is very protective of Renée.

"I don't think Reli knows." I shrugged. "She knows and she still went with him."

"Renée is stubborn."

"I know. I'm worried about her and the baby." I expressed my fear.

"Now I'm anxious to know what is going-"

"We won!" I heard Takara screaming at the top of her voice. "QM! Nesrin! Nesrin!" She came into view.  "QM! Reli won! We won!"

Celebration broke out around me, bodyguards, servants but I can barely move. "And Renee?" I asked.

"Cormac didn't mention Renée. He just mentioned that we have Daa Haan. There is celebration braking out in Daa Haan as we speak! The whole Duchy is in celebration!" She noticed my lack of jubilation. She came to me. "What's wrong?"

"I would like to get news from Daa Haan. Where is Cormac?"

"He's on Daa Haan waters."

"Can you call back and ask about Renée?"

"Are you worried about the baby?"

"Both of them!" I exclaimed.

"I'll call back. Just wait here."

I hope she's fine.

Queen Renée's POV
There's celebration outside.

The good news of Adair's defeat travelled like wild fire even without a means of communication. Word of mouth served it's purpose. They all know the king won and they are chanting his name calling out to him and wishing him long life! It's exhilarating and exciting to hear the chants and cheers getting louder.

But the king's expression is not that of a man who has reclaimed a duchy. He's still in his armor but his face is expressionless. I can't tell if he's happy.

Adair's end came swiftly. I don't think he even had a chance to blink when Reli got in there and a microsecond later, his knife slid across his neck. I watched my husband's face at that moment frozen in time. Apart from Adair who will never tell the story, I'm the only one who saw the darkness in his eyes. It may sound crazy but it's as if he was possessed when he put a swift end to Adair. There were no elaborate speeches, no warning, just a swift execution and he watched till Adair breathed his last.

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