Chapter Thirty Eight: Amber Skies

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Daa Haan
Before midnight...
Queen Renée's POV
When Reli tasked me with an assignment to make his medieval war possible, I reached out to my grandparents. For starters, Chris St Patrick was a veteran. He has fought wars and he knows a thing or two about the darker side of war. Court is a skilled engineer and both of them have access to the St Patrick Group. The St Patrick Group is a private military company that offers a wide range of services from ex military provate security to making weapons.

Court had the best idea. The St Patrick Group had been working on a device that can neutralize fighter jets and naval ships leaving them as Reli calls it 'toy planes and toy boats'.

They sent it to me and Charle helped me understand it after taking a crash course from our grandmother. Charle is also an engineer in the making and she was excited about the tech. Our jets and our ships have been protected against the device I want to use against Adair. While he will be falling out of the sky and his ships and subs will stall, we will carry on. We will keep reigning in the skies and the seas. 

I arrived after riding away from Reli. I got off my horse eyes fixed on my little group of hackers. The band is back together but we won't be hacking just yet. That is the final phase. "Sergeant Klain." I shook his hand. "Dabi? Did she come?'

"I wouldn't kiss it for the world. You look shiny!"

I am in love with this armor! But Reli's nos even more breath taking. He has never looked more like a king especially with his scepter and that gold pin in the neat bun on his head. It's something I can't everyone to see!

"11:50pm. He wants this thing live at exactly 11:55pm. Let's get it started."

They began working on it. I got back on my horse. I have never been more grateful for daddy forcing us to take horse riding lessons.

My heart is racing at lightning speed. I'll rejoin Reli after this this goes off and together we will charge for the Rose Palace. I took a moment to touch my midsection. I can't feel the warmth of my body through this armor. I can only think of the baby and I hope he or she is not even aware of what mommy and addy are doing. This pregnancy feels different. Rehan's was a wild one with an explosion of emotions. I can barely feel this one. Maybe my body is now used to pregnancy or I'll get a calm child this time around.

"Admiral Cormac, Admiral Spade, preparing for toy planes and toy boats." Reli's voice came through the radio at exactly 11:53pm. "Are in you in position?"

"SC, this C.N.S 112 Gorestriker, in position west of your whiskey." It's Cassidy. She's on the Lokefar side of Daa Haan.

"SC, this is C.N.S 104 Tempest, in position with mother east of your whiskey." That's Cormac on the Ebrium side. He has a carrier with enough jets to light the Rose Palace up if we need to.

"Gorestriker, Tempest, copy." My husband responded in a serious but solemn tone. "This is our final transmission until we claim victory. It's an honor serving with all of you. Let's not meet on the other side. We are ready for an amber sky. Over."

"Copy SC." I answered and got a thumbs up from Dabi. "Amber sky initiated in five, four, three, two-"

I lost connection.

"What can we expect?" Dabi asked me.

"We can expect that Stoll Adair is officially blind. His satellites are gone. His communication network has crashed. He's in the Stone Age. You guys have it together, right?"

"Yes. We got it."

"I'm heading back."

"Renée,"Dani got close to the horse. "Are you pregnant?"

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