Chapter Twenty Eight: The 50

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Queen Renée's POV
I let out an audible sigh when I saw Penni in the hallway. She looks like she swallowed a lemon. It's so early the morning and she's already here like she sleeps in one if the rooms. In between Diana Crose hounding me around and keeping up with Reli's duties I feel frustrated. I can't handle Penni right now.

"What is the plan?" She asked me with a frown on her pretty face.

"What's the plan? Well, I would like to have breakfast with my family and then work all day. Then exhausted, I'll go to bed and be woken up in the early morning hours by my husband and... too much information. What are you asking exactly?"

"I mean his plan. What is he up to?"


"Do you have any other husband we don't know about your majesty?"

I held my hands at my waist. She has a sharp tongue. She pushes me hard.

Reli came back from Daa Haan happy. He's just happy. I can't say anything more. He wakes up early, extra early then he meditates. He comes back to bed to make savage love in the early hours of the morning where he muffles my mouth to silence me, something he's never bothered to do before. The love making feels different. I know he has the potential for complete dominance but this is different. It's just different but in a leg numbing toe curling pillow gripping kind of way. He spends the morning hours with Rehan and in the afternoon he disappears and no one knows where he goes. He has dinner with everyone else and he goes to bed and we press repeat.

He is not taking back his crown.

"No. I don't think so."

"Your majesty," she gripped my wrist only to drop it suddenly. "I don't function effectively when I'm in the dark and he's left me in the dark which has never happened before in my history as the king's right hand!" She sped spoke. "So... please, tell me what he is up to."

"I understand you Penni. But honestly, he is playing these cards really close to his chest. The meeting is today, isn't it?"

"It is."

"Then we will find out." I assured her. "Because I don't know anything either."

"Good morning your majesty!" Diana beamed at me with a graceful smile.

She shadows me all day picking on anything I do wrong but the good thing is that it's getting better. There's more commendation than criticism.

"Good morning Diana!" I faked the perfect smile for her.

"Ah! You're learning how to smile in the midst of displeasure,how lovely!" She paid attention to Penni. "Penni dear, turn that frown upside down. A smile is always better than a frown. After you, your majesty."

"Penni please excuse me and have a lovely day." I gave her the smile too.

Diana likes to humm. It's a different tune everyday. As we made our way down the steps, I slowed down for her to walk beside me. "I have a question. May I ask?"

"Why yes your majesty! Ask away."

"What do you think of my reign? How am I doing?"

"I think you are as subtle as your husband. The kingdom knows you're there but you're not rocking the boat. You remain steady yet firmly gripping your place."

"Thank goodness. Sometimes it feels like I'm doing something wrong. Reli has had years of training to be king. I haven't even had a quarter of that experience. The crown is indeed heavy. In a way I'm glad I know how heavy because I understand him more and I'll be able to help my son."

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