The Cotillion of Lady Elizabeth

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Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane's Cotillion

All high society aristocrat young ladies have their cotillion at the age of 16 years old and they must be chaste and pure when their father's escort them and present to polite society.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard is no different accept with one difference she is the eldest daughter of Lord Andrew Charles Howard, fifth Duke of Norfolk Territory and his wife, The formidable Duchess, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann.

Lady Karissa dresses Lady Elizabeth in a white dress and she has her hair done for her.

"Lady Elizabeth. This is your night to shine and there will be many marriages minded young men looking for their bride this evening. "Lady Karissa tells her.

"What if I don't want to get married mother?' Lady Elizabeth asks.

"Your father and I don't believe in per-arranged marriages, Lady Elizabeth. Why do you think we had them abolished." Lady Karissa explains.

"Young people must have the right to choose who they want to marry and it isa matter of the heart." Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth.

"I expect one day you will want to marry, Lady Elizabeth and start your own family like your father and I did." Lady Karissa tells her.

"Your father and I are far from perfect." Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth.

"Our marriage was one of convenience and it served two purposes: one was the ensured your grandfather an heiress and I got the daughter I dreamed of all of my life, and I agreed to give your father four more children." Lady Karissa tells her daughter.

"Your father and I have muddled through our marriage, and we put on a brave act." Lady Karissa explains.

"The time will come when your father and I depart, and our marriage will end, and I will marry Lord Richard William Carey." Lady Karissa tells her.

"Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Benjamin Lawrence deserve to live with their father and me." Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth.

Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Benjamin Lawrence feel out of place herewith your father." Lady Karissa tells her.

"They are Carey's, and they know the difference between you and them. "Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth.

"Mother. I have never treated either differently.' Lady Elizabeth explains.

"Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Benjamin Lawrence feel they belong out at Bedford Castle." Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth.

"Once Lady Samhain turns 16 and she has her cotillion next November. Lady Caroline Matilda will be 11-year-old and Lord Benjamin Lawrence will be 6 years old and if they want. I will move with them along with Lord Anthony, Lord Albert Edward, Lady Sophia Dorothea to Bedford Castle, but of course Lord Anthony will be allowed to decide if he want to live your father at Beltane or relocate to Norfolk Estate. "Lady Karissa explains.

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