The Three Daughters of The Duke of Suffolk Territory on Star Base 12

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The Three Daughters of Lord Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk Territory

Lord Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk Territory comes from the Lord Edward Grey and his wife, Lady Anne Devereux and he marries Lady Georgette Spencer in 2260, and their first child, a daughter, Lady Katherine Georgetta Grey.

Lord Henry Grey hopes that their second child is a son that he will with named Lord Edward Grey, but in 2265, Lady Georgette gives birth to their second daughter, Lady Mary Henrietta Grey, and Lord Henry Grey has two daughters that he has to provide dowries too and finds husbands for.

Lord Henry Grey's third time yields a third daughter, Lady Elizabeth Ann Grey in 2270, and at the age of 30-year-old, Lord Henry Grey ever wonders if he is going to have a son to carry on his surname.

Lord Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk Territory has a brother, Lord Reginald Grey on Star Base 10, and he has a son, Lord George Grey.

Under the laws of absolute primogeniture on Star Base 12 established by Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory. No man may pass on his Dukedom to his brother if he has a daughter and no younger son may replace an elder sister to inherit her father's title, property and estate.

Lady Karissa reminds Lord Andrew Charles " This is the damn 22nd century and daughters have the right to inherit their father's title, property and estates."

The law is retroactive and any daughter born prior to 2270 may inherit their father's title , property,and estate.

Lady Georgette looks at her husband " Looks like my daughter, Lady Katherine is going to become the first Duchess of Suffolk Territory." Lady Georgette states.

"I can't help it if Lord Andrew Charles Howard is the senior Dukke on Star Base 12 and his second cousin twice removed, Lord Richard William Carey is the second highest Duke on Star Base 12." Lord Henry tells his wife.

Lady Georgette looks at her husband " I have Lady Karissa to thank for this change on Star Base 12 ever since she arrived." Lady Georgette states.

"I don't think that Lord Andrew Charles Howard would agree." Lord Henry states.

"Lady Karissa is a Marchioness, before Lord Andrew Charles was a Duke and his father created him a Viscount. Now doesn't that tell you how much Lord Charles Andrew JR thought about Lady Karissa." Lady Georgette states.

"I have to admit that Lord Andrew Charles knew what he was doing when he married Lady Karissa in March of 2275 and two months later they had a daughter, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard who would succeed her father." Lord Henry tells his wife.

"Do you realize that I have to provide a dowry to the man that marries our daughters?" Lord Henry tells Lady Georgette.

"Now with a son I don't have to provide because his wife would come with a dowry." Lord Henry states.

"Our daughters will make good marriages with some of the most prominent families in time." Lady Georgette states.

All three of Lord Henry's daughters are beautiful. They attract the attention of every young man on Star Base 12.

It is Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard who introduces Lady Catherine to her second cousin, Lord David William Beck's 1st cousin, Lord Timothy Christopher Beck in 2279 at their cotillion and they are instantly attracted to each other.

Like to young people they do that the next thing, and they decide to give into their passion and make love to each other.

It is a love-match but Lady Katherine at the age of 16 years old becomes pregnant with Lord Timothy Christopher Beck and her first child, and they eloped with each other without their parent's consent.

The Howard's of Star Base 12Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora