The Tour of Clarence Territory Part One

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The Tour of Clarence Territory Part One

Lord Andrew Charles Howard decides it is time for Lady Samhain to travel to Clarence Territory named after Clarence in England.

According to history there has only been three Dukes of Clarence and the first one was Prince Lionel, the second son of King Edward III, followed by Prince George, second son of Richard, Duke of York, and brother of King Edward IV of England and finally held by the eldest grandson of Queen Victoria named Prince Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale but he didn't become King of England.

The estate was called Clarence Manor and it was a magnificent duplicate of a country manor like Hever Castle in Kent, the family home of Queen Anne Boleyn, and Lord Patrick William built it with his own hands in 2160.

Lord Andrew Charles asks Lord Frederick William Howard III and Lord Richard William Carey to accompany Lady Karissa and Lady Samhain to the journey of Clarence, but he tells his first cousin once removed and second cousin twice removed, Lord Richard William Carey "Put on your phasers on kill."

Lady Karissa wears the Howard tiara as she carries Lady Samhain out in her arms wearing the coronet of Clarence Territory along with his two cousins wearing their coronets.

"Have a good journey. Keep me updated." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa with a kiss, and he kisses Lady Samhain.

"Andrew Charles. Take care of my children while I am away." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Don't worry Barbara and I will take care of Lady Elizabeth and Lord Anthony." Lord Andrew Charles tells her, and he helps to climb into the Howard carriage.

The Howard carriage starts on its way to Clarence which is a small province between Essex to the east and in between Sussex Territory.

Clarence Territory mainly consists of farmers and a lot of the produce comes from Clarence Territory as they have rich, fertile soil in Clarence Territory and the farmers grow wheat, corn, and assorted fruits, vegetables and a lot of the poultry comes from the farms there.

No way are the people backwards as they are very smart, and they know how to farm.

The Howard carriage heads for Essex Territory and Lady Karissa and the Howard entourage will stay with Lord David Beck for the first evening, and then they will stay with Lord Charles Andrew Howard III in Sussex Territory.

The people start to line the streets of Norfolk to catch a glimpse of their Duchess and the Duchess of Clarence Territory and Lady Karissa counter orders the carriage to stop and with Lady Samhain by her side with the help of Lord Richard William Carey and Lord Frederick William Howard III.

Lady Karissa and Lady Samhain walk to meet the people of Norfolk Territory and a number of the people give Lady Samhain presents and she receives a number of baby-dolls, home-made quilts, and Lady Karissa receives two bouquets of country flowers.

Lord Richard William Carey gives all the families that have given Lady Samhain a gift of credits and they climb back into the Howard carriage, and it heads for Essex Territory.

Lord David William Beck, Earl of Essex Territory is with his carriage waiting for the Howard entourage to cross over the border to Essex Territory.

Lord David Beck walks over to the Howard carriage "Hello Lady Karissa. I see Lord Andrew Charles has Lady Samhain taking a tour of Clarence Territory? Lord David asks her.

"Andrew Charles said it was high time that Lady Samhain take a tour of her territory." Lady Karissa explains.

"I think Clarence Territory is a fine territory. It is relatively small, and the people are quiet and it's a low crime territory." Lord David tells her.

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