Mike makes us all choose a straw and Lucas has the short one.He looks at us,obviously angry,and Mike hands him a stick.Lucas gets in the bin.

"Do you have anything?".I ask him after a while.

"No".He shouts.

"This is so disgusting.Is this really necessary?".Max says.

Dustin runs over to us. "What the hell's going on?".

"What do you think?We're looking for Dart".Mike says.

Lucas throws some stuff out of the bin and climbs out.

"Well,well,well.Look who finally decided to show up".Lucas looks at Dustin. "After I drew the short straw.Real convenient".

I look at Max.Her eyes meet mine and I quickly look away.I need to stop being such an idiot.

"Where's Will?".Dustin asks.

"He'll be here".Mike replies.

"Are you just gonna stand there?".Lucas says. "Or are you gonna help".

Will never showed up and in class,I could see Mike looking at Will's seat.After class,Mike tries calling Will's mom again.He walks back to us with a sad exspression on his face.

"Anything?".Lucas asks.

"We need to talk.Av room.Right now".Mike replies.He looks at Max who stands up. "Party members only".

"Come on,Mike".Dustin looks at him.

"No.This is non negotiable".Mike says.

I look at Max. "Sorry".

I follow after Mike but I can't help and feel bad for Max.I really like her and I don't want her to be left out.

"Will didn't want me to tell anyone but on halloween night he saw a sort of shadow in the sky".Mike says as we're sitting in the av room.

"A shadow?".I ask. "What kind of shadow?".

"I don't know.But it scared him".Mike replies. "And if Will really has true sight.I mean,if he can really see into the upside down,maybe he saw that shadow again yestarday".

"So that's why he was frozen like that?".Dustin says.

"Maybe".Mike looks at him.

"Can it hurt him?I mean if this shadow thing isn't from our world".Lucas says.

"I'm not sure.Dustin?".Mike asks.

"Well if your in another plane you can't interact with the material plane,so theoretically,no the shadow can't hurt him".Dustin replies.

"Yeah if that's even what's happening.This isn't D and D.This is real life".Mike says.

"So what do we do?".I ask.

"We acquire more knowledge.I'll go to Will's after school.See what's going on.You guys stay here and find Dart".Mike replies.

"Dart?What's he got to do with this?".Dustin asks.

"Will heard him in the upside down.I don't know how yet,but he's got to be connected to all of this.He's got to be.If we find Dart maybe we can solve this thing.Maybe we can help Will".Mike says.

When the bell rings for the end of the day,I walk out of class.I see Max and walk up to her.

"Um....hey Max.Have you seen Dustin?".I say.Max doesn't look at me.She shuts her locker and walks away.I follow her out the door. "Hey Max!Where you going?We have to look for Dart?".

"Yeah,good luck with that".Max says not even looking at me.

I run after her as she walks down the road.

"What's wrong?".I ask.

"What's wrong?".Max replies finally looking at me. "Just stop".

"I don't understand".I say.

"No!I don't understand".Max shouts looking up at me. "You guys act like you want me to be your friend but then you treat me like garbage".

"That's not true".I say.

"Yes it is.You go and hide in the av club keeping secrets like we're in second grade or something.You know,I thought you wanted me in your party".Max says.

"We do.But it's....".I look away from her.

"But what?".Max asks.

"There are um....there are just somethings we can't tell you.For your own safety".I tell her.

"My own safety?".Max says. "Forget it".

Max walks away from me and I watch as she does.

Max's POV.

I walk away from Y/N and go over to Billy.

"That kid you where talking to.Who is she?".Billy asks as he walks over to the other side of the car.

"She's no one".I reply.

"No one?".Billy asks.

"This kid from my class".I reply as I get in the car.

"Why was she talking to you?".

"It was just about a stupid class assignment".

"Then why are you so upset?".

"I'm not".

I turn my head to look out the window.

"She causing you trouble?".Billy asks.

"Why do you care?".I reply.

"Because,Max,you're a peice of shit but we're family now whether we like it or not meaning I'm stuck looking out for you".Billy says.

"What would I ever do without-".I start.

"Hey!".Billy grabs my arm. "This is serious shit,ok?I'm older than you and something you learn is that there a certain type of people in this world that you stay away from.That kid is one of them.You stay away from her,you hear me?Stay away".

I look away from him and he turns the car on and drive off.When we get home,I go to my room and shut my door.I sit down on my bed and sigh.

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