Chapter Three

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It was getting dark. Long shadows stretched across the gardens of the royal palace. The sinking sun painted the sky in golden hues, red tones and deep orange shades. The air was crisp and briny from the ocean breeze. Leaves rustled and blossoms fell. The crown prince stood by the doors to the ballroom watching the petals, azure in the soft light of the Soe moon, fall to the ground like snowflakes. The dusk was quite, in juxtaposition to his raging mind. His thoughts ran in a tormenting cycle. Orrick Hast was at the forefront of it all.

Wenly had brought him to the palace, but he couldn't help but wonder if it had been a mistake. Orrick Hast was a convicted murderer. He'd been charged with the death of the old emperor, Wenly's father. Though Hast claimed he hadn't done it, Wenly had no reason to believe him. No reason at all. It was highly likely Hast was lying. More probable than him being truthful. Yet...

Yet Wenly believed him. Well, not exactly 'believed', but he didn't think Hast was lying. Not about this. But if Hast wasn't responsible for his father's death then who was?

"Your highness," said Theana Lone, startling him.

"Thea." He turned to face her. "What you doing out here?"

She smiled. "I should ask you the same," she said, leaning in a little too close. "There's a ball going on on the other side of those doors and yet here you are sulking."

"I'm not sulking."

Her expression said she didn't believe him. "What's the matter?"

He sighed. "M.A.G.E is still out there," he said. "How am I supposed to pretend to enjoy myself knowing they're planning something and they could strike at any moment?"

She sighed. "Standing out here won't make a difference." She took his hand. "Yes, M.A.G.E is up to something but spending every moment of your day fretting over it won't do you any good. There's not much you can do right now," she explained. "Come back to the ball with me." She tugged at his hand.

"I don't think I'm in a mood for dancing."

"Even if it's with me?" The look in her eyes, brightened by the light shining from the hanging chandeliers, held something. A question? No, a challenge.

Wenly smiled for the first time that night. "And my brother? I don't think he'd approve of me dancing with his fiancée."

She laughed. "I can dance with whomever I wish to dance with. He surely does the same. And if Nicco does have a problem with it, then it's his problem."

Wenly thought about it. He was tempted. But he knew better than to indulge himself. He shook his head. "I afraid I'll have to take you up on that off another night."

She nodded. "I'll hold you up to that."

The crown prince made his way back to his chambers. His rooms were in the south wing of the palace. A large bedroom with an adjoining bathroom and walk-in closet. The bedroom was done in shades of blue and gold. Tapestries and portraits hung from the walls. Wenly made certain to lock his door behind himself before he made his way to his king sized bed.

Orrick Hast laid on the bed, his back to the headboard and a book in his hands. He didn't look up when Wenly came in.

"Have you moved at all since I left?" Wenly asked.

"No." Hast shrugged. He closed his book and glared up at Wenly. "Do you really have to keep me in here?" he asked, disgruntled.

"Would you prefer the palace dungeons?" Wenly said. "Because those are your only two options."

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