1| Head Canons: Edgar

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So Yep, my head canons+imaginaries of Edgar.

-barely smiles
-Smart when it comes to brawling
-Stupid when it comes to love
-An orphan cuz why not
-Bad comforter, bad cook, bad at taking caring
-Good introvert, silent enough to freeze you
-Definitely nails obsessed
-Secret choker kink ::::::)
-Wears black 24/8
-Always uses phone but never reply at messages
-Little spoon
-Blue eyes (Btw sketchpile thanks for the info. Yes blue eyes are depressed.)
-Talks to his scarf more to people
-Wears scarf 24/8
-Anyone touches his hair=Death
-Overprotective when his love ones get hurt (etc scarf)
-"Eh." "K." *rolls eyes* "Shit."
-Favorite plant is dandelion because it reminds him of Colette's hair

Being with Colette (Well my head cannon tells me they date so yeah srry for everyone that ship him with others):
-Usually talks more
-Never been so grateful to live
-Secretly takes many pictures of Colette
-Enjoys Colette annoying him
-Soft side for Colette :)
-Easily blushes whenever Colette looks a lil' bit better than usual
-Sensitive when Colette touches his neck or head
-At first, very shy and scared to touch Colette (e.g.: holding hands. Stop your dirty minds if ya'll thinking other things (or maybe just me lol))
-When he gets comfortable around Colette, makes way more brave moves
-*ahem* you won't understand it. Top.
-*blushes* "Uh...okay." "Sure *smiles*" "You wanna stay?" "Cole." "My fluffy cloud." "I'll never get over you"
-Prefers kisses over hugs
-Prefer romantic side other than cute fluffy
-Either very soft or very rough in kisses

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