11> Siren and Robloxian

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Red: [You got anymore ammo?]

Helix: [Nope]

Red: [What about you?]

sunAmaR_Reverse: [No]

Red: [Enemy team is closing in]

Helix: [Nuke em?]

Red: [No, grenade parade them]

Helix: [Grenade para- Ohhh thats quite a bit harsh isnt it?]

Red: [They started it]

Helix: [True]

The duo just started unpinning and throwing grenades in the most laziest yet fastest manner.

Red: [Enemy team down!]

Helix: [Noice]

Enemy team:

Robloxian: [WHATS YOUR NAME?]

Robloxian2: [WHAT?!]

Robloxian: [WHAT IS YOUR NAME?!]


Robloxian: [FRICK YOU TONY]

Robloxian3: Why did I even join this team?

Red: [GG]

Robloxian: [FRICK YOU]

Red: [Dang hes salty]

Smol time skip

Z-23: Hello Red!

Red: [Hello again, wait why are you friendly all of a sudden?]

Red took off his glasses and tilted his head down, giving her a questioning look.

Z-23: My sister told me I should have a more "friendly" attitude, she says my attitude is the reason I don't have friends

Red: [You know, I can technically be your friend, sometimes you just ask somebody to be your friend]

Z-23: Are you really gonna be my friend?!

Red: [If you want me as a friend, sure]

Z-23 just rushed to hug Red, promptly not giving him personal space.

Red: [This is a bit "Overfriendly" dont you think?]

Z-23: Oh sorry about that.

Red: [Its fine]

Z-23: So what do friends do?

Red: [IDK]

Z-23: huh?

Red: [IDK stands for I dont know]

Z-23: but aren't you and helix friends?

Red: [Yes we are, its just that we do practically anything we want to do, basically we junt hung out]

Z-23: I see

Red: [Just*]

Z-23: Hmm what do we do?

Red: [Well you could go to other Robloxians and ask them to be your friend, just make sure you remember them]

Z-23: But I want to hang out with my friend!

Red: [We will think of something after a while so just take your time thinking about something, like a place to go or do]

Z-23: I know of a place we can go to!

Red: [Oh?]

Z-23: Follow me!

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