16 Heart go kaboom

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Robloxian1: [Umm...]

Uzuki: I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it!

Robloxian1: [Uhh]

Nagatsuki: Don't make me use P-kun!

Robloxian1: [???]

Robloxian2: [What have you done now?]

Robloxian1: [Help me]

Mutsuki: Um! Um... I'm sorry! You can have all of my candy. Please don't get angry.

Robloxian1: [I'm nowhere near angry im more confused rn]

Robloxian2: [I see. We shall take your offer]

Robloxian2 then grabbed 2 lollipops from Mutsuki, he then gently pat Mutsuki, they were precious, it felt like Robloxian's heart was either gonna blow up or melt. Robloxian2 then gave Robloxian1 the other lollipop.

Robloxian1: [Ummm]

Robloxian2: [Here is a reward to the younger children who can apologize properly]

Robloxian2 then gave them a small sack filled with candy. 

Robloxian2: [Don't forget to share with your friends]

Mutsuki opened the sack and saw an immense amount of candy, Mutsuki was overjoyed at the sight of the candy. Mutsuki then left the two while saying bye.

Robloxian1: [Where did you llearn that?]

Robloxian2: [Akagi]

Robloxian1: [#####]

Robloxian1: [Learn*]

Robloxian2: [Small brain moment]

Robloxian1: [Yep]

Robloxian2: [Your avatar don't seem to be okay]

Robloxian1 then proceeded to explode causing a minor tremor that scared the hell out of everyone.

Robloxian2: [Oof]

Dont know what to call this  - Azur lane x RobloxWhere stories live. Discover now