15> Help

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Z-23 is just walking around the base wondering how she should make friends until she was slammed into a wave of robloxians seemingly running away from something, or should I say someone.

Robloxian: [HELP]

Friedrich Der Grosse: Don't worry my child there will be no danger that will come near you.

Robloxian: [YOUR THE DANGER]

Friedrich Der Grosse: Fu fu fu~

Robloxian: [Someone help T-T]

Z-23: Friedrich, what are you doing?

Friedrich Der Grosse: Taking care of my child~

Z-23: But thats not your-

Z-23 got embraced by Friedrich.

Friedrich Der Grosse: Don't worry~ Mommy is here~

Bismarck: Friedrich let go of them.

Friedrich Der Grosse: Aw

Friedrich was sad that she had to let go of them, the Robloxian instantly ran away while Z-23 just sat there panting, she was choking on Friedrich's assets.

Bismarck: Stop annoying everyone Friedrich.

Friedrich Der Grosse: Okay...

Bismarck: Besides that I have brought someone to you.

A small girl who looked similar to Friedrich appeared behind her leg, she wasn't tall as any of the destroyers nor submarines. The small girl ran towards Friedrich and began hugging her leg.

Friedrich Der Grosse: Hello~ 

Friedrich was overjoyed about seeing the smaller version of her, she picked her up and hugged her tightly but not of the amount she would be crushed, it was the perfect amount of pressure that simply wont hurt but will never let go, this happened for a little while before the two left, Z-23 who was utterly confused decided to speak up.

 Red.exe has died of diabetes.

Helix.exe melted.

Z-23: Who was that?

Bismarck: She will decide her name, I had help from the Robloxians to make her. In a nutshell since Friedrich was constantly harassing the small Robloxians, and us ship-girls we made her a child to take care of.

Z-23: Would that make her be the same as Friedrich?

Bismarck flinched due to the fact that the new ship-girl was absurdly strong, and that she would end up being a second Friedrich, the last thing they'd want is 2 Friedrichs harassing everyone to be their children.

Dont know what to call this  - Azur lane x RobloxWhere stories live. Discover now