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The whole process of getting there, sort of just disintegrated before my eyes. I just stood beside him, and followed wherever he went.

Before I knew it, we were walking down a flight of stairs in this room with blue lines. Blue moving lines on every part of the walls, even the floor.

My head starts to race in excitement, and I start to walk faster to get to the ground. When I do, I stand there, looking around.

Absolutely mesmerizing.

All different shades of blue streaks, going in many different directions, projected onto the entire room. I stand there in awe as every pixel around me was alive. It didn't even look like a room anymore. It feels like we're standing in this endless passage of blue. It felt all too real.

It was exhilarating.


There was music too. It was very neutral and calming.

I put my hand out, just to see what it would feel like. The moving lines danced onto my arm. I try to reach out, trying to touch a line of blue. It all looks so incredibly real, like it's right in front of me. Like if I wanted to, I could touch it.

Suddenly, I felt a cold hand grab my arm, gradually sliding down to my wrists as he pulls us over to a corner, sending goosebumps all over my arm for some unknown reason.

It felt weird walking in this room. He was right. You feel like you're actually in this art. I can't even tell where the wall is, or if I'm even standing on the ground. It feels like the ground and walls don't even exist. It doesn't feel like I'm walking in a room, and if I walk far enough, I'll hit a wall. It feels like I could walk on and on forever and it's never-ending.

I'm so hypnotized, that when he pulled me to the ground, it felt like I was about to fall into an endless void of blue streaks.

We're sitting beside each other against the wall, in the corner. They're a few people here, some laying down, some sitting like us, and others standing. A few were taking pictures too.

"Pretty cool, huh?" I hear him comment.

"Imagine this place if we were high." I look around, still so amazed at this.

"It's way better. I'll take you again, and next time we'll get high." I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Who said there was going to be a next time?" I joke lightly.

"I did, and there will be."

"How do you know?" I challenge.

"I just do." He was watching the shades of blue streaks dancing across the walls.

"How is this even possible?" I ask, referring to this whole room.

"Look up." I do what he says. "You see all those projectors? It's laser projector technology. Digital art. It projects all the pixels onto the room." He explains.

It's so captivating. Watching the never ending shades of blue, light, dark, navy, teal, moving around us.

Then, the projector changed and it isn't lines anymore. Everything is blue now. It looked like a water on the walls, falling down to the floor with white spots moving across us.

It feels like a waterfall.

"I love it here. It's like an escape. Away from your thoughts, away from your problems, away from everything. It's like everything bad in this world doesn't exist." He quietly says. "Sadness doesn't exist in this moment. Nothing does. Only the things you want."

He's right. No problems or stresses. Not even time exists here. There's nothing to show what time of day it is, if it's light or dark out.

"You'll feel sad until sad becomes neutral. Normal. It's like... it becomes the only thing you know. You might feel numb at first, but any spark of joy, or anything that resembles light or happiness, would be very noticeable for someone who lived in the dark for so long."

11/28 by uliaj06Where stories live. Discover now