Thirty Six - "Just say what's in your heart."

Start from the beginning

Um... I'm here to... to ask for your permission, to-to take Pia on a date."

"My answer is still no, Mr. Stavrakos," Dad uttered rudely, "and it won't change. You may be my employer, but in my own home, you are an ordinary person."

"I can assure you, Mr. Rosi, that's what I want to be treated like, to be ordinary," Kristov remained kind and polite.

"She's not going out with you now, or ever! Date or no date. So, STAY AWAY from her."

I could see the sadness and disappointment on Kristov's face. His shoulders dropped, looking so defeated.

Dad was too much and unreasonable. I could not tolerate his bad behavior anymore. He had no right to attack and embarrass Kristov.

I stepped between them, facing dad, and shielding Kristov, "stop it dad, we don't need your permission. We're adults."

"That's right," Mom interrupted, and scolded dad, "you're being an ass, Luis, and you're embarrassing our family with your filthy attitude! Just because your ex jilted you in the altar for a rich guy, you're hating every rich guy in the world who shows interest in your daughter!"

Mom dropping the bomb made Dad flushed with embarrassment. She surely put him in his place, since he stopped being so grumpy and stood silently in the corner.

Mom turned to me and Kristov, with a victorious smile, "I approve of you dating, so there's no problem with that. You're both consenting adults, you can decide for yourselves. In fact, I'm so happy for both of you."

"Thank you... um, Divine," Kristov was flushing, looking so shy like a teenage boy. Mom invited him in the living room and he relieved himself from the packages he was holding.

He gave me the box of red roses first. "I ordered this myself in the flower shop."

I smiled at him, appreciating his effort more, "thank you, they're very beautiful. I love it."

He looked so pleased, then he turned to Mom.

"I hope you'll like this, Divine," he gave the large orange paper bag to her, "I instructed my executive secretary to get the latest design."

Mom's eyes grew so big when she realized that it was an Hermes paper bag.

"My goodness! I never touched an Hermes paper bag before, how much more owning a bag!" Mom said shamelessly as she took the paper bag and opened it right away.

She looked so happy, and leaped with joy when she saw the handbag.

"Thank you so much, Kristov. I only dream of owning one Louis Vuitton handbag, and having this Hermes Birkin, is beyond my imagination. My goodness, this must have cost you a fortune!"

"Actually no," he answered, "If you like, I'll have the store deliver all their designs here tomorrow..."

"Kristov!" I interrupted him. He would spoil Mom if he'd give her whatever she wanted, "we have to go now, right?"

"We still have plenty of time, but we can go now if you like," he lifted the green paper bag he was holding, "um... this is for you, Mr. Rosi."

"You can't bribe me with expensive things, Mr. Stavrakos. My opinion still won't change," Dad said bluntly.

Humiliated, Kristov answered politely, "I assure you, that's far from my mind. But I understand you, Mr. Rosi, and I appreciate your honesty."

"Luis! That's a Rolex watch for heaven's sake. It's your dream to have one," Mom said to Dad, then she turned to Kristov and took the green paper bag, "he's a very proud man, but I'm sure he appreciates your gift. Thank you for this."

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