Chapter 2 - Trouble at Sea

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It rained for most of the day. However not a single drop hit the roof of the carriage. A couple hours before sunset the rain cleared out and the sun warmed the air a bit. Thesmell of salt began to tickle my nose. The scene began to rapidly change from hilled plains into farms, to villages and markets. Shortly after dark we arrived in Port Iholm. The city was still bustling away into the night. On the streets were bards and minstrels, entertainers and salesman. Life in the dock city was exploding everywhere. After a quarter hour or so of traversing the city streets we stopped at a little tavern. The smell of salt was pungent and echoes of the ocean whispered in my ears after I stepped out of the carriage. The tavern was rather rustic in comparison to rest of the vicinity. And quite a bit older also.

The patronage was aglow with the glorious festival of ale and spirits being quaffed. I hadn't the slightest idea why Malok would have brought us to this den of gluttony. Clearly he sensed that as well. "Don't worry. I own this establishment. You'll be safe here while I find us a ship."

"Safe?" Kara asked doubtingly. A man approached us from the door. He was fairly tall and narrow with dark black hair hanging to his shoulders. He looked over Kara and I before turning to Malok.

"He's a bit older than theusual." the man said matter-of-factly. I suddenly felt worried at how the situation was going to unfold.

"Might be the oldest one I've seen." Malok replied and shook the mans hand. "How's the business?"

"The monks are keeping us wet and the sailors are keeping us busy." He joked. "Want me to take them to the library?"

"Yes. I shouldn't be long."Malok said looking off in the direction of the docks. He looked back to us and gave a cursory nod before departing down the street on foot.

"This place has a library?" I chorded. The man shot me a glance and smirked.

"I believe introductions are in order. My name is Warden. I am a Priest of Ostia." He extended his hand. I shook it tight and looked him in the eye like Tucker taught me.

"Tyrium is my name. This is Kara." I said tilting my head towards my laconic companion.

"Pleasure." He said with hyperbolic etiquette. "And to answer your previous question. We do, indeed, have a library. Now if you'll follow me I'll show you in." He turned and started toward the building before he stopped and turned back toward us. "Do try to not look anyone in the eye Tyrium. These men get fairly rowdy." I nodded in reply and we all headed inside. It wasn't difficult to avoid eye contact. The bar was clouded with pipe smoke. We crossed the floor and entered through a door beside the bar. The door lead to a set of descending steps that took us to the cellar below. At the rear of the cellar, hidden behind a shelf of wine, was a heavy metal door bearing the same ornate symbol from Maloks book. Warden inserted a key and gave a good turn. The door clanged and swung open. Inside couldn't qualify as a cellar. The walls and floor were built with finely chiseled stone, polished to perfection. On the ceiling was a beautiful mural of the night sky. There must have been a dozen shelves of books and scrolls.

"This qualifies as a library." I remarked with a tone of approval.

"I thought it might." Warden said walking into the room. He gestured toward a wooden table and chairs at the center of the room. "You can wait here. Feel free to browse, if you can read. I'll be upstairs." With that he gave us a nod and headed back into the cellar, closing the door behind him. I dropped my bag and walked over to the table and started flipping through a book that was open. It was more of those runes that Malok showed me. Cover to cover chicken scratch.

"What language is this?" I asked Kara who had followed me to the table. She shrugged and opened another book on the table.

"This one is readable."

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